I felt him drop. All of a sudden it felt like all my weight went from belly button to hips. It was mid August and I gave birth in October at 40+4
Don’t remember feeling him drop but I do remember getting lots of back pain and discomfort around 36 weeks as well. The end is coming soon!! I also felt more kicks on my ribs than before. Not as much around my belly area
For all 3 I felt them start to drop and really down low at around 37-38w. I did maternity photos at 37w and looking back it wasn’t high and round, it was lower. And they just kept dropping lower as the weeks went by. I have my babies anywhere from 39-42w. People who see me regularly are the ones that notice more and comment that I’ve dropped. Or you can take daily photos and see the progress, a long mirror and stand on the side
When I was pregnant, she dropped into my pelvis at 32 weeks and I went into preterm labour about 34 weeks but it was stopped and then didn’t have her until I was induced 39+2. The way I knew she had dropped was the lightning crotch was painful everytime she moved her head or had the hiccups