Arabin pessary
Anyone got the arabin pessary?
Had mine put in at 23 weeks due to short cervix and funnelling
Previous loss at 24 weeks (undiagnosed Ic)
Fast forward to now I’m 34 weeks have been holding well with the pessary. However today I’ve noticed it feels lower , I’ve never been able to feel it before but I’m worried it could fall out 🙈 just wondering if it is normal the bigger I’m getting?
I can call my midwife tomorrow it
Awww bless you I've experienced preterm birth thankfully he's 3yrs next month! I did fall pregnant again and same at 21wks funneling I had the cervical stitch thou, I was continually internally scanned up till 34wks! It was removed at 37 and gave birth 39wks! If at all worried I would genuinely go to the maternity triage unit , that's what it's there for 🩷