What could be the issue?

Hey everyone I need some advice. I have a 17 month old & as you may know he keeps me very busy. I'm exhausted most nights. I just don't enjoy sex with my fiancé anymore. The idea of having sex is great but when it comes down to it I just don't want to be touched or just want it over and done with. My vagina starts of wet then gets dry during sex. It's not that I don't find my fiancé attractive because I do. But sometimes I question am I sexually attracted to him? I don't know what's going on but it's starting to affect our sex life.
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Just an idea, but speak to your doctor and maybe get hormones checked? Sometimes the slightest thing in our bodies can cause this Tbh, I can be the same sometimes and idk, for me, it's because I don't feel like my partner is my partner, more a flat mate at times 🥲 just doesn't turn me on when I put in effort to the relationship and house & he doesn't. Sounds crazy, but seems to be the thing that affects us

Being exhausted is the issue but ur hormones and estrogen and teston aren't as strong as his and he's not exhausted enough therefore he had desire or he wants connection and feel loved. U maybe are not only exhausted, but don't get sleep if nursing and even though 1 baby at 18 months is much older than a baby...I think there something missing in relationship as well. Do u work outside home, is he romance-ing, as on date night. Order in... it's hard to be attracted in ur own pj and not feel sexy also. Age is factor . Are u in 20s are u older... ate u with a man but single parent and he helps bare minimum or not at all.... did u gain ton weight .. I don't know , but diet ,health ,sleep and time alone to relax matter a lot

Be patient with yourself. It takes at least 2 years to feel normal postpartum. I had a guy one time complain about my issue and was all like it’s not normal to be this dry ect . I wouldn’t worry to much . It’s common after having babies . Don’t be so hard on yourself

@Star That is a good start, I will contact the doctors to have my hormones checked. I feel like we are at the flat mate stage also! It sucks 😩

@Ali I think something is missing from the relationship too. We hardly go on date nights as we have the baby. I can arrange childcare but my mum lives so far away so it's effort, but we do need to try I guess! I did gain some weight during pregnancy. I rarely get time alone. Currently working on my diet I will be joining the gym next week. I hope this helps! I just want to feel that spark again in our relationship 😫

@Keena's that is true! I do definitely need to be a bit more patient with myself x

Doctors can't tell you, ur depresses and over weight and u have a baby and its normal to be tired all time.. it's true all those things but the doctor can't get ppl to work on intimacy by making space for it . Doctors do bloodwork, they not psychologist unfortunately and they don't know nothing much of diet but they do know if you gain weight and if it's over belly , they will give u medication and tell u ur older and it goes downhill. Take care health, diet, exercise, salads , meat, dates and nuts. Always a plus

Tbh. I feel the exact same way. I have a 19m old. Ever since my baby was born, I have zero interest. I don’t want to be touched, especially my boobs (still breastfeeding) and he always goes straight for them. He gets irritated that I really don’t like them being touched anymore. Then I’m just turned off. Not to mention, sex is uncomfortable since having a baby

@Rio that’s how I have been feeling lately I thought it was because of my luteal phase , but girl I even still have hemorrhoids 😬😬😬

@Rio omg my partner does the same thing! I hate them being touched/sucked. It also turns me off as well lol Whenever I mention it I come across as being "difficult" when it comes to sex urgh!

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