SO annoying. Happy and growing so just waiting it out over here 🥲
Ok thank you this is validating lol
Yupp, my favorite is when he smiles at me as the spit up just falls out of his mouth 😅
Yep. My 4 month old spits up all day long. Reflux usually self resolves between 6-8 months because the sphincter at the top of the stomach/bottom of the esophagus matures completely around that time so it's strong enough to hold back anything that's not forceful!
@Katherine yup ! My baby is the only one who ever did this and my family keeps thinking it’s an issue. He just spits and smiles 😂
Alll day long! Soo much laundry 😂 my peds said as long as he’s gaining wait and not uncomfortable to roll with it. 4 months is peak time for reflux and spitting up apparently. I was told even if they put them on reflux meds it just reduces the discomfort not the spit up
Someone online said "spit up is a laundry problem not a physical problem" .... we are literally doing laundry every day over here and have rags all over the place!!!!! Lol glad I'm not the only one
That’s what our doctor told us ! She said the only problem is laundry lol. We have rags and blankets everywhere at all times. A few more months and it will hopefully be better
I was literally having this conversation with my husband earlier. Im so glad it’s not just us, cause he was worried worried.
Yes but on formula. Boyfriend wants to ask the Pediatrician about it. We burp her and it still happens. Could happen 30 minutes to an hour later after a feed too. Is it normal? No other symptoms and no fuss. It just silently comes out. Not always a lot but it’s happening.
@Katherine love this!! Good way Of thinking of it. It’s not an enough burp cloths problem. I’m going through 2-3 a day sometimes.
5 months old and still spits up ALL day long 😅🙄