Same here, my boy is also about 13months! He only says mama randomly these days and baby babbles
18-24 months is when they will really start getting their words, anything before then isn’t much of a concern. Of course every baby learns different. I have 2, and there is a huge difference in my February baby and my older one.
I read somewhere that you should talk a lot to your baby for them to learn words. So I talk to my baby a lot, I say hey Z we are headed to the mailbox. Z we just got to the mail box. Z, wow mama got a lot of packages today etc. I literally talk to her almost every second of the day haha and I have noticed she talks a lot too. Her vocabulary is pretty impressive for 12 months so I’ll just suggest talking a lot to her and helping her recognize familiar words and pretty soon she’ll just piece everything together ❣️
@Vanessa yes, talking helps a lot. I talk all day to Tessley, and she has quite a vocabulary
@Stephanie yesss mama, thats the way to go. Yesterday I spilled something and my baby said uhoh 🥹🥹🥹They watch us more than we think.
My boy is 16m and I'm wondering the same thing 🤔