I was so glad to have my own space back when we moved ours! We didn't bedshare, but having her in our room became more difficult as she got bigger and more aware. We realized we were actually contributing to her waking up because our noise and movement was disturbing her. Yours may or may not sleep better in her own room, it's hard to say, but there's no harm in trying. At 9 months you're well past the recommended 6 months. If it doesn't take you can always move back. For us though, we saw the difference immediately, she slept solidly through the night and does now most of the time, except when teething or sick, etc.
I think babies and especially toddlers sleep much better in their own bed and room my son sleeps 7-7.30ish x
@Melissa yeah I think a lot of her wake ups are from noise from me and my partner and the fact that she knows she’s in the same room as us. She was managing to do until 2/3am in her cot for a while but now it’s earlier and earlier every night that she’s coming into bed and it’s just killing my back. I love the cuddles and the bond we have from cosleeping but it’s definitely not helping me or her get more sleep like it used to x
@Jade we’re going to move her cot into her own room next week. There’s another bed in the room as well so if I need to camp out until she adjusts to it then we’ll give that a go x
I feel this ✨😴