Oh gosh fingers crossed the sweep gets things moving for you 🤞🏼 people keep telling me there's no labour looming cause of how high my bump is and I'm getting paranoid about it now 😆
@Zoe Fingers crossed! 🤞 I have an induction booked for friday so if it doesn’t work itself, it’ll help that be easier hopefully xx
Yes, I went into labour 38+3 and no bump drop xx
My baby was low from about 37 weeks and my bump never dropped - still went to 41+4 though x
Interesting thanks ladies!! Xx
@Ellie-May good luck hope all goes well 🥰xx
I did. Went into natural labor at 39+1. My hips wouldnt expand though so i ended up with a csection. I think, for me, thats why my belly never dropped
Ahhh okay thank you ☺️
Yep my bump never dropped from what I could tell!
Good to know thanks so much ❤️❤️
I’m commenting to see the replies! ❤️ I had a sweep today and my midwife didn’t say exactly how engaged she was, just that she felt her head and I think that she was low? But my bump is super super high! So feels like she isn’t making her way down at all😂❤️