Feeling like the world’s shittest mum right now

My baby just fell from the sofa and smacked her head on the edge of our coffee table. I feel like an awful mother having let this happen without being more cautious. I literally turned around briefly and this happened. She cried for a good 5 mins after, seemed completely normal, had some milk and is now asleep in my arms. I think she’s okay as there’s no raised bumps or anything just a bit of redness but the mum guilt is just killing me at the moment :(
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I would get her checked to be on the safe side lovely These things happen! Try not to stress too much xxx

Try not to worry you’re not a shit mum! Maybe get her checked over just incase she’s a little bit concussed if it was quite a thump as their skulls arnt too tough and always better to be safe than sorry x

This could happen to any of us. Babies do things that you don’t expect all the time. Don’t be hard on yourself. You’ll be more traumatised than her. Best to get her checked. It’s actually usually a good thing to see a raised bruise or bump after a bump to the head. Always best to get checked xx

Your not a shit mum, a shit mum wouldnt worry about their baby. X

Ah so sorry, this is bound to happen to all of us :/ glad to read the LO is fine now, but I too would want to get her checked if possible.

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