My husband worked the 17th the day I ovulated so I'm in a very similar boat and have had the same concerns but I'm trying to put it out of my mind.
He does 24hr shifts.
My peak is usually day after the app says I ovulated. Good luck 💕
When were having sex when I was ovulating to get pregnant it wasn't happening, however as soon as I stopped "trying" to get pregnant, bam , there it was!
Yes if you were baby dancing before ovu that is great, sperm needs to be in there ready and waiting for the egg and it can live in your uterus for around 5 days waiting!!
Thank you everyone. Fingers crossed we get our rainbow baby xx
You’re a day ahead of me and we are in the same boat - I’m ovulating today but haven’t had chance to BD! But have done three days prior and plan on tomorrow. Keep us updated ✨🤞🏽
As long as you’re having sex every 2-3 days around your ovulation date then you will be fine. I had fertility treatment and our clinic told us that having sex every day actually decreases your likelihood of conceiving because the sperm isn’t having a chance to mature. It’s best to have sex before ovulation so that the sperm is already there for when the egg is released, rather than afterwards!
When I conceived my daughter I hadn't had sex 2 days before ovulation as was 2 tired with a 2 year old 🙄🤣 but still managed to coneieve, sperm can live inside for up to 5 days and they actually say less is more... Its still possible to coneieve
Peak day is when you want to aim for, which it looks like you did, so now it's just a waiting game 🤞🏻