Green and slimy poop? Ebf

Hi! My 11week old has had green and slimy poops past few days and I’m just asking has anyone else experienced this and is it normal? I did read that exclusively breastfed babies can have green poop and slimy, but just would like to hear some experiences
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Yeah my LO has poos like that from time to time and they're also exclusively breastfeeding. They went through a phase where they were brown, dark green, yellowish green and yellow

My girl varies between yellow, browny, green. Before we introduced bottles, I read somewhere that green can mean more foremilk for EBF so may be that. @Molly my girl's have been like this all week as well!

@Molly my 13 week old boy exactly the same! He’s BF only, not sure if it’s coincidence but happened straight after 12 weeks jabs

@Molly is it always like that? My little one was like that until he was diagnosed with a dairy allergy and I cut it out x

Yeah, this is normal hun ☺️ sounds minging but I'm constantly checking our larl boy's poo to make sure that everything is as it should be and we're also Ebf. You can usually find seeds in it too, which is also normal x

@Molly my lo’s poo is exactly like this, but can be more mustard in colour & they suspect CMPA. He’s EBF

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