I’m in the same boat. I have a two year old, and a baby that screamed nonstop for the first three months straight. It’s been terrible. I would say at this point you might want to take her to a GI doctor to see if they can give you advice on what the issue could be. My first baby had really bad colic too, and it turned out to be silent reflux, so getting her on a hypoallergenic formula and Pepcid made a huge difference. My four month old had a lot of feeding issues, so seeing a feeding therapist has helped a little.
Yes. Same boat. Getting alittle better cause we do gas exercises every possible chance we get. Also probiotic drops of bioga in morning bottle and Mylocon drops in every bottle or every feed. Also paced feed-after every 2ounces burp. We breastfeed and formula feed supplement with enfamil gentlease.
It’s hard. Haven’t slept more than 2 hours either at a time since my baby’s birth. Except when my partner gives me a break…but a lot of times our baby wants me.
@Katherine I exclusively breastfeed because bottles were making the gas worse. We checked, and she's not having issues with the type of milk. She's just sensitive i guess
@Ashley Exactly, my partner tries to give me breaks, but it's not really a break when I can hear my baby girl crying 😢
@Ashley Yea the exercises are the only thing that helps get the gas out. I've tried the probiotics and gas drops. My arms are getting jacked from all the exercises lol
@Beth I am trying to wait it out. Maybe because I don't want something to be wrong.
My heart goes out to you and your baby i am so sorry....could it be that baby is in pain from the gas and needs a different type of formula? Donor breast milk? Consider seeing a chiropractor?