
Hi ladies my lo is 13 weeks this Sunday and for the past month or so he has been having trapped winds looks like he’s in discomfort and his belly hurts to the point he cries and cries. Went to the GP and all I have been told to give gripe water and do massages etc. I mean how long can I do this the baby is clearly in pain. Has anyone had an experience with this? Anything I can do that can help him? I know some mums get prescribed a new formula for colicky babies.
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Please go and see a cranial osteopath specifically that treats babies. Colic is a symptom of something, its not a diagnosis - something often misconstrued or misunderstood I.e. something is causing the colic you're right!! This will 100% help your baby and you may only need to go once or twice! Good luck xx

Definitely following this. My little one has been suffering with 'Colic' for the last 2 and a half months. It seems to appear at the same time each day. He will strain and strain in tears then once passed wind he will be absolutely fine. I've tried Infacol, Colief and Gripe Water (which made him stop breathing!) He's EBF, I literally don't know what else to do? Just being told to ride it out...?

@Kirsty I know it sounds silly but are you sure they’re not overtired. When my girl is overtired she looks like she’s in pain arching back etc etc everyone thought it was belly pain or gas but now I know she’s over tired I swaddle her and cradle her and she falls asleep in about 5 mins

No it doesn't sound silly at all. I would say it potentially could be that, but we have a window first thing after he wakes up in the morning and he's in so much discomfort. Once he's passed the wind or filled his nappy he's then a totally different boy until 5pm when it kicks in again? It's so hard, whatever this is, it definitely robs you if the newborn stage 🤦🏻‍♀️ xx

@Kirsty oh I see bless you honestly it’s so hard 😭😭😭 they don’t call it the newborn trenches for no reason hope it get better for you x

@Kirsty I still believe breast is best, but unfortunately I had to move onto a thickened formula because of tongue tie and reflux (not a decision I took lightly) - which in turn has massively helped with trapped wind and discomfort, and definitely goes more regular. She’s so much happier and settled! You could give Cow and Gate Comfort Reflux and Constipation relief formula, even just once a day, to see if it helps with the wind and discomfort if you’re up for that! I understand if not, I was terrified of formula before I realised it was needed for my baby to be happy. I miss breastfeeding!

@Heidi How old was your baby when you made that change to formula? Did you go fully formula or introduce it slowly? I'm very reluctant to take him off the breast 😩 However, if there is a possibility going to formula would change how he is then I would do it as it's so distressing watching him in pain 😔.

@Kirsty my little boy is doing similar at the moment, he fusses and fusses from about 4am onwards and once he's passed a tonne of wind he chills right out and when he does a big poo afterwards he's even happier. Their digestive system is maturing all the time so I'm thinking it's to do with the physiological changes going on right now!

@Kirsty I started combi feeding at 2.5 months and exclusively formula from 3 months, so very recently! You absolutely could just do a formula bottle in the morning and a bottle before bed or, when he experiences the discomfort in the day, just to see if it helps with some relief. I started: Day 1, x1: breast, bottle, breast Day 2, x2: breast, bottle, breast (morning) breast, bottle (bedtime) And so on, alternating feeds… I felt almost embarrassed and ashamed to start formula but I realised this is what my baby needs to feel better and went exclusively formula, as the thicker milk deffo helped. Once I realised that, and seeing her so much happier, I feel so much better about it all. In saying that, I really really miss the connection of breastfeeding! Combi feeding might the be way for you, just to help regulate your little one’s tummy - only you know what’s right though my love!

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