
How many moms are doing no vaccines for their newborn or very few? And no judgement šŸ˜‘ since I know this is always a controversial topicā€¦
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Me šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø

First, you're a cowardly troll for posting this anonymously. Fuck no, and I will judge anyone who doesn't protect their babies and puts everyone else at risk. Just look at the outbreaks happening in TX right now where vaccination rates are low. Children die from these diseases.

Def not me, will be fully vaccinating

@Audrey you're literally the reason they posted anonymously.. regardless of what YOU believe that was actually really fucking rude. Parents have the right to decide what THEY think is best for their children. This could have been an opportunity for you to educate instead of shame a mom but you fucked it up. If you REALLY cared, that's what you would've done. Just saying.

@Natalie nope, I'm over coddling this nonsense. It's costing lives and I'm sick of being told to act like quack influencers and con artists that take advantage of scared and nervous parents should be treated with kid gloves. They posted anonymously because they're full of BS and they can't back up their claims. If you're so confident in your beliefs, then have some guts.

@Audrey you don't even know if that's what they believe. They came on here looking for opinions to make a decision. Clearly if they were anti vax automatically they wouldn't have posted the question at all. I'm just saying you could've educated here instead of shame but hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself, be a 'hero' I guess? Lol

If you're hesitant on the traditional vaccination schedule there is an alternative called the Dr. Bob Vaccination schedule, the vaccines are more spread out but it still provides all vaccinations needed. But still do your research according to your lifestyle, how exposed you are to other kids/families, family health history, and personal comfortability, etc.: The choice is ultimately YOURS and no one else's. I hope this is helpful.

Hey I just wanted to throw out my opinion with some of my reasons (will be fully vaccinating) but the one vaccine I looked into more because there were lots of parents that were questioning the Hep B vaccine. Our best friend is a pediatrician and she personally has had 2 kids get hep B. So yes itā€™s a STD but it can be from contaminated blood or fluids. So just from that alone is why I think parents should get their kids fully vaccinated because those 2 kids obviously got it from other kids who werenā€™t vaccinated and if everyone was vaccinated no one would have got it. Most adults can not have long lasting effects if they get hep b but kids can. So for all the different vaccines even if the chance is like 1% my kid could get it. I personally think itā€™s worth it to protect all kids fully because just like those 2 kids who got hep B. Crazy stuff happens and even when you think there is no way my kids will get this or get this crazy side effect I donā€™t ever want to be the 1 percent.

@Natalie They didn't post a question asking for advice on making a decision, they asked who had already made a specific decision. And delayed vaccination is bs too. Oprah isn't a medical professional, and Dr. Sears has been the subject of lawsuits and his own family of professionals has spoken against his delayed schedule. I encourage everyone to look for actual published research and the consensus of the medical community, not outliers who profit from fear-mongering or health "blogs" that amount to vague opinions and anecdotes.

@Audrey WOW! You seem like a nice person! šŸ˜‘ cowardly troll? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ once againā€¦ this is a post for non judgmental women. Attacking someone for asking a question is wild. You have no idea what side I stand on. If you wanted to help educate someone in a polite way thatā€™s one thing but to come for me the way you have is distasteful and completely classless. How about gathering more facts before assuming one way or the other. You may be over ā€œcoddling nonsenseā€ but Iā€™m over coddling judgmental parents who believe itā€™s their way or the highway.

Yes, posting something that you state you are well aware is controversial as an anonymous post is cowardly. You posted on public forum, you don't get to decide who engages with it. "Non-jugdmental" is a dog whistle for wooey antivax propaganda. I don't need to gather more facts, trust me, I've evaluated both sides of this long ago, and I am sick of so much dangerous misnformation being treated as a simple difference of opinion. Facts are not the same as opinions, science is not the same as anecdotes, and real research is done by people who spend years studying in specialized fields and conducting rigorous clinical trials.

@Audrey genuinely not reading that. I really donā€™t care what you have to say. Maybe had your first message been different then I would have listened to your opinion but calling ppl names and assuming youā€™re better then them before knowing anything about anythingā€¦ignorance at its finest. You get no more time from me. šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘

Iā€™m part of all the crunchy mom groups on FB and consider myself to be partly crunchy, healthy food, natural is best, etc, and vaccines are one thing I still do. Iā€™ve tried to find evidence that shows it would be better to not vaccinate than vaccinate and I still cannot find that evidence. So, Iā€™ll be vaxxing my baby. The only one I wonā€™t be giving and still havenā€™t given my 2 year old is the Covid vaccine because itā€™s fairly new and Covid tends to be fairly mild for healthy kiddos. Just my opinion. I donā€™t judge other parents for the way they raise their kids because we all have a hard job and do what we think is best but I do think thereā€™s too much nonsense out there on social media.

No vaccines over here!!!

Wow! This thread is def not what I expected from this app. This just might not a safe space lol crazy

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@Audrey wth? If you donā€™t agree just donā€™t comment and go vax your own kids! Please have more class and respect other people choices and beliefs, we are constantly learning and trust me, criticism and judgement doesnā€™t make you wise. This should be a supportive community, stop being a bully.

I do not and will not with my kids. It is 100% your choice as a parent no matter what anyone says! As someone who has dealt with vaxx injury and has done research on heavy metal toxicity, I would never inject that into my small children with developing symptoms. There is also the option of delaying the schedule if you choose to vaxx which can be a safer alternative if youā€™re concerned about introducing all the foreign ingredients from the shots at once.

Developing systems is what I meant to say *

I wonā€™t be doing vaccines. šŸ™

Baby will be getting all recommended vaccines. Becauseā€¦ science.

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