Anyone voting “normal” has no idea what a normal & healthy co-parenting situation should look like. Or what a GOOD FATHER looks like.
Omg girl I’m sorry u have him as a BD so glad u have those texts on record he sounds so wrong and proves why u probably left him. He could have simply said he’s low on money but working on sending u some as soon as he can and that he would like to see his baby or photos of her. Damn these men wants everything easy 😳 !!! Does he even know how hard it is to be a single parent ?! That income tax 2k is nothing . The least he could do is give u at least 1k a month if he’s not present in her life taking care of her 50% of the time.
Talking about splitting the income tax when you’re the one supporting the child is wild. Like yes here’s your cut for the 5 minutes you participated thank you sir. Heck no 😂
If he’s not taking care of your child, there’s no reason he should be getting any income tax money back from her ever..? Why would he? It sounds like you’ve been taking care of your guys’ child on your own so yeah, he owes you money point blank.. if you don’t have a child support agreement through the court, this seems like the time to do it. That’s insane, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that
He wouldn’t even qualify for that child tax credit because he hasn’t been the provider for her LOL. So for him to think he’s entitled to any of it is wild. He would get flagged by the IRS so fast. Simple math $2k divided by 12 months is $167. That’s no where near enough support a month for a child. Tell him you’re taking him for child support. Ezpz. You’ll get your child tax credit and his money he needs to rightfully pay to provide for his child.
He got some nerve taking like that.
Sounds overly defensive because he knows he's not being a good dad or co-parent!
@Luz i know it’s so weird how he went off and it’s already been two months I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask him to send something 🤦♀️
@Brittany omg Fr like thank you sperm donor
@Rachel yeah I didn’t want to take him to child support since I don’t want him to go for visitation rights at this point I feel like just running away n never looking back but I don’t feel that strong 😖
He's trying to manipulate you, saying you're the problem and not him. Sounds a little narcissistic. It's tough because yes going for support means he could get visitation. I fought for sole custody and child support and my ex lied so so so hard about how involved he had been that the judge gave him 50/50 custody, week on week off. I get child support and for the first year I got spousal support (married for 7 years) but I sure as heck registered with Maintenance right away cuz then he pays them and not me directly, and they can make his life miserable if he doesn't pay. He even admitted once (unfortunately just in person, not in print) that the only reason he wanted shared custody was so he didn't have to pay more in child support. Jokes on him, I'm on lifetime disability so the amount reduced from his monthly payment is a whopping $52 lol
Go claim for child support. The child tax is for your child you do not split it with him its called child tax for a reason its for the child from the government to help you out but its not enough really. If he wants to see her he needs to come see her you do not chase him. Of course you been to your mamma's house she's your mamma and you need her.
@Kerry the crazy part I haven’t even been to my moms house. I told him that.
Sounds like a right twat. Why is he blaming you for not taking her to see him 😭 he’s a child.
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Give him an agreed set day and time to see her. File for child support so you get automatic payment no discussion
Go get child support and filing your taxes is not him giving you money day and time set for him to spend time with the child
Ok so you probably shouldn't text him at 5a. But everything else, he is dead wrong. 1. Whoever has the child most of the time gets to claim them for taxes. And that is not his money paid to you. 2. It's his responsibility to see, get pics, and generally ask about his kid, not yours. Now if he asks and you blow him off-then it's your fault. Bottom line-get him in court and get this all sorted out. Get visitation established, get money established. And when he doesn't show up, document it so you can deal with that in court the next time.
Listen, he can try and take you for visitation all he wants.. and if he’s a good dad he deserves it. However based off his messages it’s not going to last long if at all lol. “Have YOU taken her to SEE ME?” “Have YOU sent me pictures?” “YOU don’t even text me about her.” Why do YOU need to force HIM to be a father? HE should be actively reaching out about his daughter. Not you reaching out to him.
@Alyson yes so true
I voted there's something wrong with him before I read the texts. I can actually see his point, to be honest. The way you just texted him asking for money was a bit out of order. Do you send him pictures of her as well, or tell him anything about her, or do you just text him asking for money all the time?
@Rachel The more important question is : Does HE ASK for pictures? Does HE ASK about her? She shouldn’t have to force him to be an active parent, but their daughter is partially his financial responsibility, active or not.
@Rachel I used to. I stopped when he blocked me for a month and a half without checking on her. Then I told him he can come see her in person if u missed it he also says he’s going to come n doesn’t show up so why am I going to send him pics if everything else comes before his daughter… & like I said that was the first time I asked for money in 2 months .
Gaslighting at its finest. You’re being a lot kinder than I would be.
@Tina I’ve been trying to be peaceful since he uses the excuse that I want to argue as the reason he doesn’t see her
Strange behavior for him to expect you to text him about seeing her instead of asking you himself. Also, the child tax credit is NOT him giving you money 😭😭