The low backs pains were my signs that labour was coming soon as I had that exact pain whilst being in active labour during my first birth. Other signs I had was legs pains/thigh pains a few days before giving birth plus stomach cramps but I couldn’t tell if these were braxton hicks or not so I ignored it 😂 also a lot more pressure down there too as baby was moving even lower I guess so you never know 🤷🏽♀️ could be your labour signs I had her at 37+3 & had my son in 2022 at 37+3 too
@Tasnim 🤣 girllll don’t say that, I was laying in bed last night and had a dull cramp like feeling in my lower stomach that was going to my thighs, and the Braxton hicks are ruthless at this point 🥲
@Tia this was me, the night before I gave birth I had back pains & stomach cramps & thought nothing of it, 8am I stand up to get out from bed & my waters broke into a big puddle 💀💀💀 45 mins later my contractions started & they were already 6 mins apart
@Tasnim I haven’t been too bad today, just so tired 🤣 then this evening I’ve got back ache and like a pulled muscle sensation in my stomach 🫣 I’m 37 wks tomos x
@Tia do you get a ticket tightening feeling in your stomach when you get the back aches? I didn’t realise this but I was in labour for a few days before I actually went into the hospital from my waters breaking 😂 I played off the symptoms as just pregnancy symptoms as Braxton hicks
I’ve had all those including really bad back cramps for the past 3 days don’t get me excited😂😂