I drink loads of oat milk and have an abundance of milk - i think ive read they’re linked
Put baby to breast as much as possible. The baby suckling is what singularly stimulates the body to produce more milk.
The more you stimulate and "empty" yourself the more you're telling your body to create. But oats, lots of water, brewers yeast and lots of skin to skin are supposed to help. Look at "milk making mama" on Instagram, that account helped me exclusively pump for my first and I had to create a supply from basically nothing as she was a lockdown NICU baby so I could only see her a few hours a day x
Cuddles/feeds during the night? That seems to have worked for me so far.
Look at the book “Making More Milk” xx
Does anyone know if it is possible to increase supply after 6 weeks PP ? My lactation consultant said once the supply is established then that’s just how much you will produce and no more.. but I don’t see how as there is such thing as relactation etc. I am 6 weeks PP and hope to increase my supply more if possible xx
@Shevaun yes it is possible!
@Savannah thank goodness! Thank you!