@Michele did you feel crampy with it?
@Carolyn Yes. It felt like period cramps. No worse. I thought I was going to start my period. Is it just spotting? Is there any doc you can get into? Just to make sure.
@Michele my first appointment isn’t scheduled until mid march :/ but if I start seeing blood like a full regular period I’m going to go to a doctor right away. So far it’s just spotting, and very very light spotting at that.
@Carolyn Yes. If it gets heavier get in right away. Mine started the day my period was due and lasted 7-8 days. It was pink and light. So seems common for you so far.
@Michele okay. Thank you I really needed someone with experience to calm me down honestly. I appreciate you taking the time it really does help 💕
@Carolyn you’re welcome. I’m Glad I have helped you. It can be stressful.
I didn't have any spotting but I did have lots of cramping in the beginning with my first pregnancy
I had spotting at 4 weeks, then some period cramping. Few days later I had a gush of blood with some clots while showering. Went to the ER and found out I had a chemical miscarriage. It was nothing I did and nothing I could’ve done. The DNA just didn’t work together.
@Carly oh wow, I’m so so very sorry you went through that. Thank you for sharing with me 💕
@Carolyn thanks, it wasn’t easy. I had two perfect pregnancy and deliveries before the miscarriage last month. Completely out of the blue and shocking. I pray you have a perfect pregnancy, delivery, and baby.
I spotted from 4w to just over 5w. It’s was really light but I did have to always where a panty liner.