@Samantha okay thats good thank you❤️ sorry to hear that does Ms Rachel help at all?
@Charisma I wish she did, I feel like I’ve tried everything and out here speech therapy has a year wait long list.
Completely normal! Mine likes to do that too and you just gotta remember they’re learning and exploring and it might sound silly to us but makes 100% sense to them in their little brain.
@Samantha I was having this issue with my son around 15 months and I started doing different stuff that helped me and now he repeats almost everything I say and is able to combine 2-3 words to communicate what he wants. I’d be happy to chat with you as to what you can do with your son while you wait for speech therapy.
Yes! My daughter will keep repeating a word until I say it too, then she stops. She basically needs me to acknowledge I understood what she was saying.
I think that’s good, my son isn’t talking at all🥲 I wish he would repeat stuff non stop. You’re doing a great job mama he’s learning new words and it’s sticking with him❤️