Could also be where baby is, some hide further in. Also, I didnt really show much until 24/25 weeks!
I’m 20 weeks, size 12 and barely showing 😬
Ok thanks all, glad it’s not just me. It’s my first so that makes sense and like you say, as long as he’s healthy!
I’m very petite and still fitting into size 6 clothing at 23 weeks pregnant compared to my other friends who are behind and already showing a lot more than me! As long as baby is healthy then I wouldn’t worry too much x
I’m the same, she is my first baby and I’ve heard it takes longer to show with your first. Some days I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies! I think because I’ve got an anterior placenta she sits more towards my back. Although today I have popped a little more. I’m 23+2 x
Is it your first? You probably just have really strong stomach muscles holding everything in! Mine are all stretched out from last time, I know it's tough but count yourself lucky as you'll probably recover quicker! As long as the midwives are happy with your progress and health, that's all that matters x