Leaking =/= strong supply. I couldn’t get any colostrum during pregnancy with my first and i bf her for 1.5yrs with no issues. Shouldn’t collect until 36-37 weeks anyways as it can cause uterine contractions and start labour
I never leaked but have been able to harvest several ounces of colostrum and have oversupplies in both my pregnancies 🩷 Don’t harvest before 36-37 weeks X
Hey, as mentioned above it’s not recommended until after 36 weeks. Your midwife should have a conversation with you about it at some point after 30 weeks, it’s also often discussed in antenatal classes. Not everyone is able to collect much but as mentioned it’s not necessary a sign of poor or good supply, I honestly wouldn’t worry about it yet x
There is no correlation between the amount of colostrum you're able to express antenatally and your supply after birth, the biggest research study looking at this is called the DAME trial
37 weeks it's what's recommended so be patient x
You can try from 36 weeks as it can induce labour. I started on Wednesday (36 weeks) and I’ve tried twice with no luck. I haven’t had any leaking either. Some people leak, some don’t, some can get colostrum but some can’t. I may still get some as I will keep trying over the next few weeks but if I don’t then it doesn’t mean I will struggle to breastfeed! There is no correlation luckily 😊
@Bethan it took me a full week of hand expressing to get anything and the most I ever expressed at once was 1.5 ml but every drop came in handy after my emergency c-section, definitely don’t give up
I started leaking very early but I didn’t start pumping until 36 weeks. I don’t know if that had anything to do with me having my son a week early or not though.
If it naturally leaks I believe you can collect any time, but you shouldn't actively try until 37 weeks. I didn't leak with either of my children, struggled to collect colostrum during pregnancy and I am at 6 months exclusively breastfeeding my second (I combi fed my first but expressed for 5 months). Leaking does not indicate what your supply will be like. Don't panic
You could get collection shells to pop in your bra if leaking but definitely not harvest before 36 weeks, I had gestational diabetes and was advised to start at 36 weeks by the midwife.
@Kristina Ah thank you! This gives me hope! I am going to keep trying every day 🤞🤞
I didn’t make any in either of my pregnancies. I tried with both and just got upset. Both babies I breastfed an hour after birth. No problems either time, I got help in hospital expressing colostrum and I walked out with a baby and 250ml of extra milk I pumped.
Just know that making colostrum pre birth is no indication of what your supply will be ❤️ the hormones start when the placenta detaches, that’s when the taps really try on xx
@Sarah 🥹🥹🥹 thank you !
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@Hazel don’t let it stress you out. I also had caesareans so it’s not true that section mums need colostrum stores and it doesn’t work. You’ll get help from the midwives for latch and techniques and you can ask for a lactation consultant too. You’ve got it!
37 weeks
Wait til 36/37 weeks You might not get any, that's OK! You can express some during labour it can help with oxytocin Having a section shouldn't impead immediate skin to skin or BF unless you needed to go under general anaesthetic
36 weeks. It can induce early labour. Colostrum doesnt equal strong supply. Its in case you have a c section / something goes wrong / delayed milk - if you want baby to have your milk instead of formula x