@Jayne she is teething and sucks her lips and dribbles a lot so i’m hoping it’s just that, thank you xx
Just looks like a spot to me, cold sores tend to be more raised x
@Chloe okay thank you x
She would have had to be kissed by someone with an active cold sore to catch the herpes virus from them. Also at her age you would know as she would get quite poorly from the virus. This just looks like a spot x
If you’re worried I’d go to the pharmacy, they will have a look at it for you! She looks very well in the photo, hopefully it’s just a little spot! But if you want peace of mind I’d pop to the pharmacy!! Just an fyi as it’s a common misconception - A person doesn’t have to have an active cold sore to pass the virus. Around 5% of the time they will still be contagious even if they don’t have a cold sore, it’s a dormant virus. You’re far more likely to pass the virus with an active lesion, but it is possible to pass it even if a cold sore is not present, it’s called asymptomatic shedding!
No that’s not a cold sore, I would definitely say it’s just a little spot or she might have scratched her lip x
thanks everyone, i took her to the pharmacy and she said the same that it’s not looking like a cold sore!
In my opinion it doesn’t look like one, looks more like a saliva spot from drooling. If you are anxious go to a pharmacy and they should be able to advise you. Cold sores tend to cause some swelling, redness and cluster spots with fluid at the site of the sore. I used to get them alot and they are horrible things, especially for kids.