Nothing wrong with a sofa day, me and my 20 month old did this pretty much all weekend she had a sickness bug, she played a little when she felt like it but mostly watched movies, programmes and slept on and off we did a little walk in the afternoons I feel fresh air does help especially for my sanity haha xxx
When kids or mums are sick, it’s a sofa day. Unlimited screen time and snacks. Get the duvet on the sofa and nap together. It’s survival mode, the sooner everyone is healthy the sooner it’s back to normal so enjoy it.
Nothing wrong with this at all! When my daughter is poorly we have very lazy days of cuddles, naps and movies! Once in a while when they’re poorly this is absolutely ok. Don’t worry mamma! Xx
We absolutely do this when poorly
We did this yesterday and broke up the day with two little walks/pram walks and some painting and she helped me cook dinner by peeling carrots and cutting mushrooms. When their tiered and poorly they don’t want to run around I find
Would you want to be doing educational things if you were feeling unwell?? Go for it with the sofa day!