Everyone's body reacts differently but it wasn't as bad as I thought but personally think I would wait it out a little longer to see if my baby arrived on time unless medical needed x
I loved my induction. Very calm, very smooth and pretty painless. I was super comfortable the whole time. I was induced at 38 weeks due to GD/his size. After 26 hours of labour and getting to 10cm, they discovered my son was breech. So it ended in a c-section (which was also a lovely experience to be honest). He weighed 10lbs at 38 weeks. 🫠
Why are you being Induced? Why can't you wait until spontaneous labour?
@Danica that's really none of your business. She hasn't disclosed this.
I was induced by medicine and gave birth nearly 2 days later I was in pain I had epidural I thought my son was feces
@Danica the baby has effectively ‘stopped growing’ and is reducing in percentile each week. Currently sitting between 3rd-10th percentile otherwise all tests are healthy
I have three babies. My second and third were both induced. I absolutely loved them more than my spontaneous baby!x
I had an induction with my son (he’s my first baby) and it was really smooth and easy. The time between the first pessary and holding him in my arms was about 11 hours. Lots of horror stories out there about inductions but I honestly loved mine - there are good stories out there too! Don’t be scared, you got this 💪🏻 xxx
My induction wasn't planned, i was sent for fetal monitoring by my midwife at my 40week appointment and while in hospital they decided to induce me due to babys distress hours later that evening and then I had an epidural...things were just going so slowly and painfully I gave birth the next morning by emergency c-section. You never know what you will get i guess everyone's different
@Katrina that's interesting! Usually babies grow at their own rate and could gain a pound or two in the last few weeks alone! My water broke at 32.5 weeks! I was monitored every two days. I had what is known as PreProm. They said I needed to keep the baby in as long as I could and just monitor for infection. However, they wanted to also Induced me at 37 weeks.... was really hypocritical. I did a ton of research and told them I wanted to wait until spontaneous labour. I would opt for regular fetal and monitor checks and see if baby starts gaining a bit more weight rather than getting induced. I eventually went into labour on my own at 36 weeks! Little one was born just shy of 5 lbs. And she never eas admitted to NICU.
My induction failed and I was in hospital for nearly a week going through all the available options before having an emergency c section. Induction doesn't always work!
I would do more research to make sure an induction is truly needed. Induction is forced labor so they are administering meds in a stepwise manner to induce labor, sometimes it is quick, but other times it is long. Mine was short but was incredibly painful. I needed pitocin and that was an absolute nightmare in terms of pain and I had to wait and go through that before being given an epidural. I had my second 7 months ago, went to spontaneous labor and it was much less painful, and overall a better experience. But you go through whatever you need to, to deliver your baby safely
@Annabelle she’s probably concerned because getting induced for no good reason could be dangerous.
@Kathaline they wouldn't offer it to her for no good reason.
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@Kathaline thank you. Exactly. I don't trust the system 100% on a lot of things. They make money on every little thing and can cause more damage and distress rather than just leave our bodies to do what their meant to do.
I was induced at 38 weeks and everything went really smooth and quick!
I was induced due to my baby being in the lower percentile as well. Interestingly enough, when they examined my placenta after delivery, it was calcifying, which means it wasn't delivering nutrients to my baby well. I had a positive experience, 14 hour labor, got the epidural and went home a few hours after having my baby. For me the worst part was getting the foley catheter inserted prior to the labor, to help open my cervix. That wasn't fun at all.
@Annabelle but they do
Dr Sarah Wickham has a lot of information about induction: https://www.sarawickham.com/iol/