Vbac is fine, they say the slower and the natural the labour is the better. They often says to have an induction or elective c. But the risk higher the more c u have. No both ppl who had vbac to a c. I had what they say are to close pregnancy 23 months apart did go into natural labour but had too have a c section in the end.
I had an emergency c section for our first and chose to have an elective for the second. My thought was that anything can go wrong and end up in a section anyway so I’d rather know what I’m expecting. Honestly the elective section felt so different to the emergency. So much less stress on the body, it was so calm and I felt the recovery was so much easier 🤷🏼♀️ now pregnant with our third and I will be opting for a section again! So I can’t comment on natural birth and I know lots that have had positive natural births but I fear if it’s not a smooth delivery it could end in section or trauma so I’ve just stuck to what I know 🙈 xx
I'd say still try for a vbac if ultimately that is what you want. Yes there is a risk of uterine rupture but people have given birth natural close together after a c section and not had this. They should hopefully monitor you closely during labour. Personally I'd avoid induction unless it's a slow induction. Most of the time an induction fails in the UK. Success rates for an induction are scarily low (wish I'd known this before mine, although I was induced because my waters leaked on my due date and then didn't properly break)
Have whatever feels more comfortable for you. I had a c section with my first and will be having a c section with my second - I won’t have anymore children after this baby. I just think in an emergency, you always have a c section. Pregnancy is so unpredictable and out of our control that a c section seems a bit safer to me. Best wishes x
I had a elective with my 1st and have been advised due to a massive bleed during surgery that I need to have another this time, too risky to go for a VBAC and to be fair I'm not overly bothered as it keeps both me and baby safe. Do what's right for you x
I had an elective and I loved it! I’m now pregnant with my second and in two minds whether I should try with natural as my elective was such a great experience xx
I am pretty much in your shoes as well. My first baby will be exactly 20 months when I am expecting to give birth to our second ❤️ I had an induction previously, took 3 days, the labour was traumatic and horrendous and ended up having an emergency c section. I keep thinking recovery might be smoother with vbac whilst caring for a toddler, but the thought of going again through the labour as last time terrifies me. I’m currently 90% sure ill go for elective c section as I honestly loved the first experience and recovery was smooth enough 🙃
I had a planned section with my 2nd due to traumatic 1st vaginal birth with my 1st. At the time the midwife said to me at the end if having any more babies to have them via c-section. I really didn’t want to have a section but her words kept playing in my mind. I must say the actual section itself was very calm and organised and really wasn’t bad I was even surprised the spinal doesn’t even hurt ? It was a good experience for me I must say , it was extremely fast although recovery is hard going for first two weeks a little nerve racking too for me wondering was I okay. But once over that period was onward and upward. I have heard best to leave 18months ideally between sections however have heard many have been fine closer together and I’m sure if there was a high risk in uterine rupture they will tell you!