Can someone please tell me when my bloody nipples are going to stop leaking please 😭😭😂

This is ridiculous I haven’t breastfed at all with this child, milk supply came in late but I’m still leaking 13 days post birth, I get the sharpest pain in my nipple and when I look they’re leaking, if I don’t wear a bra then my tops are really wet! I’m sure it didn’t take this long with my first and I breastfed her for the first 2 wks!
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Mine took a few weeks to completely dry up. I was still leaking milk 3-4 weeks after and then one day suddenly nothing. I didn't breast feed at all with my baby. Hopefully yours dry up soon!

I’m just over 3 weeks and still keep leaking but I feel like I have no boobs left 🫣 it’s making me feel icky from wearing a bra constantly 😩 I dried up so much quicker with my first is your LO quite needy and feeding a lot as weirdly my second is so much needier and constantly crying like she’s hungry so I wondered if that’s why I’m still leaking 🫣?

One night wear 2 sports bras to bed, one right way and the one on top backwards. Worked a treat for me

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