Itchiness as well for some
Definitely let your doctor know. If left untreated for extended periods of time could be dangerous
@Rebecca I'm based in the UK ahaha my partner is a doctor but he isn't allowed to give me antibiotics but I'm worried if this will effect the baby
@Janeth anything else? Worried as this is my first uti
Go to GP or your midwife. They’ll prescribe you antibiotics if it’s a UTI, totally safe to take them in pregnancy, I had 3 different types of antibiotics across my last pregnancy 😂
@Katrina my midwife isnt opened today/: Is cranberry juice safe to take while having a UTI and pregnant? I've read it can flush it out. 111 is no help either 🙄🙄 I'm 13W
Yes cranberry juice is safe ☺️ keep drinking that and plenty of water. Typical of 111 🙄 they should be giving you an out of hours appointment! You can also try a pharmacy tomorrow if any are open, a pharmacist might be able to prescribe antibiotics.
@Katrina does a uti also come along with back pain symptoms? I’ve been experiencing that aswell as cramping. I’ve changed positions but still. I’ve rang 111 and they said an out of hours will ring me! But damn I feel like I’m dying!! The burning and pain when peeing aswel as the fact I’ve got bad back pain. Never knew second pregnancies can be this hard
@N💋 it can do, but could also indicate a kidney infection! Glad out of hours will phone you though, would be horrible to keep suffering through until Monday! Take some paracetamol as well if you haven’t yet. Second pregnancies are definitely not for the faint hearted 😂
Yes if left untreated you can end up in the hospital. Scary!
I had a uti and left it untreated because of insurance reasons I was in so much pain. Take care of it before it gets worse.
@Janeth how long did you leave it for ? I’m so worried I might have a kidney infection and no one has rang me yet ! Been 3 hours
@Katrina I’ve still waited 3 hours lmao nothing yet!!!
Feels like your insides are being burned and shards of glass when you pee. Cranberry juice! Lots of it and stay hydrated. Always pee before and after having sex also.
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@Christa so weird ladies went to the doctors and I have NO UTI?? They still gave me antibiotics tho shall I take them or not?
@N💋 yes you should take the full round of antibiotics. If you are having pain while urinating, that isn't a good sign so the antibiotics will flush the problem out. Be sure to stay hydrated while taking them as well. Very important.
Constantly peeing . Pain when peeing. Feels like you still have pee in you when you are done peeing.