Induction/membrane sweeps

My midwife and I have discussed inducing me at 38 weeks due to not wanting me to go to 40 weeks , what are people’s experiences? This is my first baby so I have nothing to compare pain to but I just want to hear some people’s experiences? I am receiving 2 membrane sweeps between 37-38 weeks to try and bring labour on naturally but if fails we are going to induce me? Anyone’s experiences with either the membrane sweeps or induction would be lovely to hear :)
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I had induction over 3 days. I had high BP amongst other issues so induced at 37 weeks. It took a while to get going but once the waters were broken it went hard and fast. Although I did end up needing intervention and had forcep delivery as baby was unhappy. I would say personally I wouldn't rush to do another induction unless there is strong medical advice. Saying that I know many mums who had a lovely smooth induction. I think it depends how ready baby is basically and no way of knowing. Make sure you ask what the reasoning for not going passed 38 weeks? Like if it was medically necessary for health etc why isn't it 37 weeks? Xx

@Iona I’m only being induced if my 2 membrane sweeps don’t bring on labour naturally which I’ll be receiving those between 37-38 weeks, so I’ll be induced at 38/38.5 weeks as it’s a risk for me to go all the way to 40 weeks xx

I would push as late as you can safely but obviously you know your body and your choice is right whatever you choose to do, my body/baby was not ready i had 6 sweeps and 6 pessaries to get me dialted enough to break my waters. But the girl across from me had one small pessary and was ready to push hours later! Hopefully sweeps do the job. The last midwife to do a sweeps with me was sore she offered me gas and air but it did the trick. It doesn't take long so it's only mildly uncomfortable. I have never had a baby "naturally" as I only have 1 child so I have nothing to compare it to. Try not to overthink things. Xx

So I was induced with my first at exactly 40 weeks as it was too much of a risk for me to go over my due date. I had a sweep at 39 weeks which didn’t actually do much but my active labour was 7 1/2 hours in the end and honestly the induction process for me was very smooth. I had the pessery put in at 5pm on the Wednesday, waters broke at 2:30am, baby was born at 3:41pm on the Thursday. I did need to have stitches in theatre afterwards but baby was here safe and sound. I’m actually booked for a sweep tomorrow and induction on Monday for baby number 2 at exactly 40 weeks again!

What is the clinical reason for the risk behind not letting you go to 40 weeks? A membrane sweep is a form of induction so you are already accepting an induction by accepting membrane sweeps

I was induced at 37 weeks due to baby being small. I had a balloon induction then had my waters broken and the hormone drip. I did opt for an epidural as I was warned that contractions with the drip can be more intense. All went smoothly and I dilated quickly and wasn’t in active labour for long at all. I wish I hadnt worried so much about the induction x

@Lucie oh is it I didn’t know that Ty x

1 in 7 sweeps will bring on labour without further intervention, that's about a 15% chance. This is why you'll hear most people having more than one before anything happens. Sweeps are a form of induction also. I highly recommend looking at sara wickhams website she has lots of info to help you make a decision

There is nothing wrong with going past 40 weeks, is there any medical reason your midwife is suggesting induction?

@Kat yes there is medical reasons for myself and baby as to why pushing labour early is being advised I am trying the membrane sweeps first and if fails an induction will be carried out ☺️ x

@Charley thank you! Yes I’ve asked for 2 sweeps to try help naturally as such, but if all fails do an induction :) x

@Shannon it’s okay! Happy to help. I strongly suggest doing some research as you can always decline an induction if it’s not medically indicated. 😀

I honestly had the most amazing experience being induced! I also had a sweep too! Feel free to message me if you want! :) xx

Failed induction at 39 weeks, c section at 39+2 🙃 wasn't bad though. Just took a long time for nothing to happen

@Hannah thank you lovely !xx

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