I've had 2 elective c sections. Best decision I've made. My first was born December 2022, he was 9lb6.5oz. My second was June 2024, he was 9lb3. I must say it's not the most comfortable when doing the needles to start off with but any discomfort I left painwise they redone it. They spoke to me the whole time, took my mind of anything happening. They told everything everything was okay (I could of had something on in the background but first time I paid no attention to it and second time my body was reacting weird to everything). Just for them to pull baby out within minutes and we got cuddles as soon they pulled the boys out. My partner held my second as I wasn't well but my first I cuddled him on my chest. Recovery was nice with both of them. I would happily do another c section
I was desperate for a c-section after a painful failed induction. They took me for an emergency section, and I was just relieved to be numb. I could feel them working, but it wasn’t painful - I was focused on meeting my baby. He’s four weeks old today and resting on me now! 🩵 someone stayed to chat with me, as did my husband. Recovery is going well, and the team was amazing, keeping baby and me as safe as possible. They should also let you play your choice of music or radio if you like. I totally understand why you’re feeling so anxious. The anticipation is very probably worse than the c-section itself. You’ve got this 🫶
I had an emergency C-section in November. As much as it was not what I was expecting for my delivery, the process and recovery has been completely fine. My c section was at midnight and I was up and walking around by 7am (probably would have been sooner if it wasn't the middle of the night). Had a shower around 20 hours post op. Went home 2 days after surgery (due to some complications unrelated to the actual surgery). Never needed anything stronger than Tylenol and ibuprofen for pain. By 2 weeks post op I was off all pain medication. By 4 weeks post op I felt pretty comfortable getting back into my regular home routine and by 6 weeks I was 100% back to my pre pregnancy activities. For my next pregnancy I'm planning an elective c section.
I had an unplanned slightly emergent csection with my son after planning a home birth and needing to be induced after my water broke. All in all, it was a good experience. I had never had an IV before let alone a surgery so I was terrified and panicked but the entire team was SO lovely and I will definitely pick to have another if I ever have any other babies. The worst part was being separated from my partner for 10 mins while they prepped me.
I also had a failed induction after 3 days of medicine and we signed off on a c section. Super fast, calm, staff were friendly and fast. I could hear the main doc making jokes. I had my baby in my arms after a 5 min procedure. And i was off pain meds within a few days. Almost no scar. I’m due in May and I’m now more scared of vaginal birth lol
I had an urgent c section last March as my boy wasn't tolerating my contractions. I was terrified of the spinal because I have scoliosis but the anesthesiologist talked me through it and was really good. It is an odd feeling being numb to pain but they played my favorite music, were upbeat and the next thing I knew my hubby came back and we heard our baby's cry. Just make sure someone can take a pic of you guys as a family. That's one thing I was sad about. My husband cut the cord and blood went everywhere and then he didn't want to touch his phone after that so our first picture is when we got back to the room 🙄. Also ask for a referral to pelvic PT to help with scar tissue!
Why do you think they will suggest an elective c section? I had one with my son and loved it and plan to do the same this time around with my twins. I had mine because at 36 weeks he was measuring full term and his head was 8 weeks ahead, they didn't even suggest it, I'm like "I want a c section if y'all don't induce me early" and they were like "probably a good idea because we won't induce you early". I literally almost fell asleep on the operating table because after the pain of being pregnant and the insomnia, I felt so much relief once the spinal kicked in. Mine was so calm and relaxed, I loved it and have no regrets.
I had an emergency C-section with my boy , you can’t feel anything and they ask you through out if you can and sort it if you can . You can feel a wired sensation but no pain when baby is out they show baby to you . Recovery from section was as you would expect when your numb from the waist down Cather in for a few hrs to catch any urine and they check you to see if you have regained feeling in your legs and waist
I just had an elective c section 3 weeks ago from the get go staff. The room was amazing with music of our choice( can make a play list) or random my other half was sat with me the whole time I was talking to and kept calm got even one nurse took photos videos which lovely XX
Oh I’m sorry this makes you so scared! It’s totally understandable! I had an emergency section the first time - absolutely fine!! And an elective the second time and it was an amazing experience!! I was very nervous and also had to try and control my worries leading up to it but the staff were wonderful made me feel so at ease and it was so smoothly. I hope this helps you xxx
One emergency and then one planned - if that tells you anything, me choosing it for the second after having an emergency the first time! Both amazing experiences honestly I’m sooo happy it all went the way it did. (Minus the 5 day induction and labor the first time) I have a few photos and the ‘Lion King’ video shot if you want to see just lmk here or via DM!
Hi! I had a scheduled c-section! I was terrified also knowing I’m awake, but I didn’t feel anything, but your mind makes you think you are but you aren’t! My team was so so supportive and trust worthy. I was so scared but they held my hand and just talked to me through it all. They asked me so many questions just so I can take my mind off of it! I 100% felt comfortable and loved in the moment
I’ve had 2 and honestly loved them. Of course I was nervous every time but once in there it was a lovely calm and happy experience. Didn’t hurt, wasn’t scary, amazing staff who had us both laughing and talking away. Both times my babies were out and on my chest in 10 mins! Time flies in theatre, honestly. It’s over so fast and there’s so many distractions. Both surgeries I had skin to skin straight away and for two hours after theatre, I had delayed cord clamping, music playing and the camera rolling! I didn’t see anything gory, I couldn’t feel anything other than occasional pressure which didn’t hurt. I’ll have another one for baby 3. Baby 1 I was in the pub for lunch on day 4 and Costco on day 5 pp. Baby 2 I was babywearing him and pushing my toddlers pram at the park day 9. I was off drugs after 7 days and no worse pain than a period.
I had a lovely emergency with my daughter. I was induced but didn’t get past 2cm. It was still pretty chilled. I didn’t feel great as my blood pressure meds kicked in the same time as the epidural too up and my blood pressure dropped pretty low for me so my husband had skin to skin with her in theatre. I’ve recently had an amazing elective with my twins. The drape was dropped so I could see them delivered (I’m a midwife so have seen hundreds of C-section arrivals so this was something I was very keen for) they were placed skin to skin with me following delayed cord clamping and my husband cut the cords!
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My first was an emergency - wasn't that great but I'm about to have my second and I'm doing a maternal assisted C and I'm so excited! Everyone I know who's done one, especially after an emergency C says he beautiful and healing it is.
Had my baby girl via c-section 12/14/24 and it went wonderful. I tried not too think about it or watch videos. Walked in like it was a doctor’s appointment and was monitored for about an hour before the procedure. Once they were ready for me I wallet to the OR for my spinal blocker and the anesthesiologist was so sweet and took deep breaths with me. Before you know it my husband was next to me and my baby was out it what felt like 10 mins. What helped was my doctor and the other people in the room we’re talking about vacation, ozempic, etc. so time passed really quickly 🤣 I would say the only tough part was vomiting a few hours later after trying to eat food and having all of the medication in my body. I stayed the hospital for about 3 1/2 days, and got the best possible care ever. I was reminded every three hours to take my medication and try to use the bathroom.
We had an elective c section, baby was on the bigger side and they took away the natural option, which broke my heart at the time, felt like I failed. However 5 months on I’m so glad it happened. He was transverse last minute too and weighed 10lb 5oz (predicted at 10lb 10oz) so they weren’t far off. Was so calm and such a positive experience He was out in about half an hour.. Probably less than that, it was the first day of the hospital taking on the other hospitals patients as they closed the maternity ward in the other so they were all up against it! But honestly in and out, recovery was great and I was shopping in Sainsbury’s on day 5. I was home then next day too. If you have any questions just send me a message! I was terrified but would have another!
i’ve had two, one emergency and one planned. i can’t give you much with the emergency one because i was knocked tf out under full anesthesia. the second/planned one was a pretty positive experience. i will admit, getting a spinal injection is pretty painful but thats the only pain you feel the entire time (until afterwards of course) you genuinely do not feel a damn thing outside of them pulling you around. the one thing i was kinda shocked about was how much i was moving around on the table from them pulling on me and baby. as long as everything goes routinely c sections do not take long at all. i had to be at the hospital at 6 am and my son was born at 10 am, and most of that time was surgery prep and the spinal injection
I had an emergency c section and got put under general anesthesia for it. For me, I’m so glad I was not awake. Waking up to a quiet room to meet my baby was perfect. ❤️
I chose an elective c-section because I have a disability that affects my spine, so I wouldn't have been able to have a spinal or epidural. I had mine under general anesthetic & it went very smoothly.
It’s more scary in your head because you have no idea what to expect.. trust me when I say it’s FARRRR from what your thinking right now, the whole procedure was amazing, everyone talks to you all the way through, the only painful thing of the whole procedure was the cannula in my wrist, the spinal (you are numbed beforehand so don’t feel it), during the actual procedure.. you’ll have a sheet over your chest so won’t see / feel a thing, the staff talk to you during the procedure so your mind is always on something else, once they start.. your baby will be with you in 5 mins so start the countdown in your head, once baby is with you, time flys, the operation will be over before you know it (mine took 45mins) then you’ll be wheeled into your recovery room and hopefully home the next day if all is well, honestly it’s such a calm experience im definitely opting for another planned for my next, youl think back and say “damn I was terrified over nothing” x
I had exactly the same anxiety and my experience start to finish was great. The team were amazing and explained everything and were really responsive and reassuring if I felt anxious at any point. Once you are numbed up you are on a range of drugs that keep you alert but I also found really relaxed me and I wax chatting and joking with my partner during the process. I had a minute when I felt nauseous but that was due to my blood pressure dipping slightly. It’s over incredibly quickly and my baby cried the place down once he was out, which I found hugely reassuring if a little surreal because it happens so quickly once they start. I was so scared of having an operation whilst awake but please be reassured that anxiety disappeared for me once I was in theatre and I was being wheeled back to recovery with my baby in no time at all. Try to get skin to skin asap as that really helped me.
I had an elective C-section with my second last week after a difficult vaginal birth with my first. It was a very positive experience and far more positive than my first birth, the recovery has been much easier so far too. Baby is out very quickly into the operation and once baby is here it's easy to not really care about what's going on below with the operation as all your focus is on baby. You won't feel any pain but you will feel some sensations like tugging etc. The staff in theatre were great and really helped me feel calm and looked after.
I had 24 hours of labour … that’s not even pushing and when I had my csection I was so so thankful. You feel nothing and is over very quickly. It is scary but labour is far scarier I fear a vag birth after having such a nice csection lol. You get to play music and it’s really calm and I actually really enjoyed mine and I am a hypochondriac anxious paranoid person but once I was in there I was so excited ❤️
I had an emergency with my first and although a shock it wasn’t a “terrible” experience. However with my second I chose an elective and honestly it was so lovely. It was so calm, they talk to you throughout in such a normal way, you almost forget what’s going on. I’ve not had a vaginal birth to compare to but recovery both times hasn’t been as bad as I’d expect. The elective was so much better than the emergency for recovery though