I’m following this because in same boat…only thing I’ve done is try to have 3 nights with no calpol (tricky) because of the paracetamol. It’s really hard because the anbesol only does so much, despite the lidocaine. Rooting for you and for more sleep xx
@Anna I know I just didn't think it would do harm because I'm only giving one dose each day not the full 4 doses. But don't know if It's become an issue
@Helen it's difficult isn't it when it seems to be the only thing that helps them! I thought it wouldn't be an issue if I only gave 1 dose a day but it almost seems it's become a dependency as part of the pre-bedtime routine. Trying not to give any tonight but had over 1 hour of tears already x
Cool. When the 3 days are up I sometimes give ibuprofen instead. Would that help?
It’s so difficult 😞 last night was a calpol night for us and he slept better for it, tonight he just seems dribbly rather than irate so I won’t give it (fingers crossed). I hadn’t considered ibuprofen like another lady said, that might help mix things up a bit? Do you have any support from health visitor? I don’t think I’ve heard from mine in about 6 months 😂 xx
@Helen No I haven't heard from mine either since their initial checkups. I don't even know who the assigned health visitor is now because I heard that the lady we met left to a different department. Haven't met the new one and don't have contact details for her either! Just going to wait to see when they contact for 9-12 month checks😅xx
@Anna yes I never thought of switching to ibuprofen I'll give that a try if all else fails
It’s wild isn’t it, I have a 12 year old too (big age gap I know) and with him it was so different, she was very involved. Anyway, good luck tonight, you can do iiiit! 💜
My LO is taking a while to get down lately, I went to a drop in clinic and explained everything and was told it may be a regression as she is learning to crawl, teething and weaning so as she’s hitting quite a few milestones her brain is more active. They also told me I would get a check up at 42 weeks so hopefully you should hear something soon x
@Karan omg I never even considered it to be a regression. My baby is learning to crawl and pull up on furniture, also teething too. I just thought it was pain related x
@Helen thank you! Luckily baby's asleep now so I'll see how the rest of the night goes 🤞🏻x
Don't worry about the 3 day thing! I spoken with my GP last week as my baby was running a fever, she told me that the medicine companies only put that on the box to make sure parents don't delay seeking medical attention for serious illness by dosing them up on calpol, it's not because it's harmful. So, if your baby is teething and currently needs that one dose at night, give it to him x
I rang the health visitor a while back as my baby got 6 teeth through one after the other and I was worried about the warnings on the anbesol and nurofen packs but they said it was fine. We weren't using them everyday but I'd say every 2 or 3 days for a period of 4 weeks while the teeth came through .
Baby will be fine 😊 Try using Ashton powders though. They’re natural and great! If my daughter is rosy cheeked and struggling with teething symptoms she settles super quick with the powders.
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@Rebecca ok that's such a relief thank you! I was worried I'd given it for too many consecutive nights x
@Trudy I'll have a look and try that!
I second the Ashton and parsons granules for teething!! Defo not the gel, that was useless for us, has to be the granules but they’re miracle workers! Literally just sprinkle either directly on the gums or put it on the dummy and rub it on and within 30 seconds she’s chilled out!
As someone who was a children’s nurse I would say please stop the calpol unless baby is in absolute pain. Calpol is a drug. Hope baby feels better soon x x
I think you are only meant to give it for 3 days at a time