Yes. Have you tried early intervention ? My son will be 2 in may. He started a.month ago !
@Emily Yeah we haven’t been referred to speech and language, just audiology to check hearing. It’s an urgent referral, so hopefully we won’t wait too long either 🙏🏼 best of luck hun ❤️
@Liz I’ve looked at going private but it’s so expensive and I’ve got another one on the way so can’t afford it at the minute. Hoping to get better understanding at his audiology appointment x
@Liz what’s early intervention?
My sons the same. HV involved and audiology referral but no S&L. Feel I've failed him
@Chloe best of luck to you too🩵
@M we don’t see a HV anymore. Have you had an appointment with audiology yet? I know the feeling hun 🙁🥺 it will come 🙏🏼❤️
My boys the same. Getting better but ever so slowly, wait for S&L is so long I’m just hoping he’ll get it one day!
@Emily thanks Mumma, we got this 💪🏼❤️
Does anyone else find that their little one’s behaviour seems worse because they can’t communicate very well. The HV said to me if his behaviour doesn’t improve with his speech then I’ll need to go back to see to her. I’m just hoping his frustration is to do with not being able to communicate properly? If that makes any sense?
@Chloe I phoned and asked for them to come out. They don't seem as worried as me buy he's nowhere near where "he should be" and I'm stuck at what more I can do. He's definitely making progress since Xmas but it's more pointing again and intentional babbling. Does have some words and will follow simple instructions if he wants too. Nothing I was told up to a year!! I hope so too 🤞 x
@Emily yes my sons newest thing is throwing himself to the floor constantly he weighs 20kg and I'm classed as disabled due to neurological issues in my arms (still work etc) and also pregnant. So hard and at times embarrassing. I know toddlers throw tantrums but I wonder if it's more frustration
@Emily yeah I definitely agree with this. Because they’re unable to tell us what’s wrong or what they want etc the tantrums are worse. I may give the HV a call too as his 2 year review I expressed concerns and she thought there was anything wrong with his development. I definitely think behaviour will improve when they can communicate their frustrations 🙏🏼 x
@M I see! Might do the same. Oh gosh a year?!? Hopefully not that long that’s ridiculous xx
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My little boy is similar, but I’m not sure he quite understands everything we says, or he’s very selective, he had a hearing test in August which was fine, on waiting list for S&L. Caught up with HV last week and now been referred to the paediatrician for further support.
I’m also going through this at the minute, my little boy (3 in July) has recently been referred to speech and language , just like yours he can understand everything that’s being said but is still not stringing sentences together, he says one words that I can understand, says a few 3 word sentences but that’s about it. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long to see someone xx