
Is anyone still breastfeeding their LOs? And if so, how many times? During the day I just do 2-before naptime and before bedtime. However during the night he latches on at least 2/3 times if not a few more. He also doesn’t eat properly like he loves his snacks but 3 meals are sometimes a hit and a miss. He also says the word ‘milk’ whenever he wants some during the day but I always manage to distract him with toys or a small alternative snack. Should I start completely weaning him off now? I’m planning on stopping on his 2nd birthday (end of August). Please help, I feel like he’s not eating properly because he knows he’ll get milk later on.
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I do exactly the same. I don't think there is anything bad about it. Do what feels right for you. The WHO recommends bf till 2 years. My LO loves cows' milk as well, so I offer that during the day 😉

Still feeding - he feeds sometimes hourly in the day and everytime he wakes at night which can vary anything from twice to 8/9 times. He’s boob obsessed and I don’t have the heart to say no as he becomes inconsolable. I plan to let him self wean unless I get fed up before that. There’s no right or wrong it’s all what works for you and LO x

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