
Has anyone else struggled 10 days into breastfeeding? My lo has been latching well until tonight, he had a bottle of expressed breast milk earlier on today and now I feel like his latch is too shallow. I can also usually hear the flow of milk as he drinks but can’t hear anything so worried my milk may have also reduced, sad that breastfeeding may be coming to an end already :(
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He may just be being a little lazy thinking it will make his way into his mouth without work like the bottle, if you really want to stick with it latch as much as possible and ideally if you give a bottle you should pump instead of feeding directly your supply will regulate based on demand in the early stages x

My lactation consultant recommended waiting until 6 weeks to introduce bottles to avoid bottle preference. It’s usually easier and faster for them to get the milk through a bottle so they start wanting it that way. I know 6 weeks sounds like a long time but 5 months in my baby has no trouble switching back and forth now.

We struggled with getting latching right for 6 weeks! For something that should be natural to them, they really have to work on it! If the latch is shallow, just keep unlatching them and encouraging them to latch right. 10 days in, your supply is still regulating itself, so even if it doesn’t seem like he’s getting anything, the stimulation will help more milk come in. If you’re expressing, it may take time for your breasts to fill back up, so potentially be on the lookout for that and only express after baby has fed (although fair warning this might ramp up your supply - unless that’s what you’re after). It’s so so tricky at this stage but I promise it does get better, just have to get through these tough bits xx

Visit a lactation consultant! They will be your best help.

Don’t give up!! I had the same issue! Baby may have just developed a preference to bottle and if your only day 10 breastfeeding you have lots of time to get your supply up! My baby was the same, I would give bottle and then she would become very confused at the next feeding session, as if she was waiting for the milk to fall into her mouth. I had a lactation specialist and she advised me to stop bottles for time being. I waited until about 6 weeks to reintroduce and during that time I worked in her latch and increasing my supply (expressing after every feed and power pumping). I now have an oversupply which allows me to store extra milk in freezer and my baby switches between breast and bottle easily. It can be challenging at times but don’t give up it will get so much easier ❤️❤️

This is so reassuring thank you all x

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