Nursery and Leaps/regressions

Is everyone who's little ones at nursery, sending them when they go through leap 8? Our LG turned one and has had a personality change its crazy. So clingy, miserable, sad crying etc she still sleeps, eats but we had weaned her off the dummy now it's the only thing that settles her. I know the Leaps only kast a few weeks.but worried thr nursery will call me every day to collect her because she isn't her cheery self, but I cant be taking 3 to 4 weeks off work because she's going through some development
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Not something id even consider. Nursery deal with this all the time. My LO is clingy to me when i am around but actually couldnt care less when i am not there

@Amy that's good to hear thank you. Jusy her nursery are great at updates which is lovely but they do really push at the parents to come collect them early if they aren't themselves but realistically we both can't be out of work that much lol understand if she's actually sick but wouldn't call a leap or regression an illness

That seems odd. Maybe just give them a heads up that she is pretty clingy at home and moody. How long has she been at nursery?

I agree with Amy, most nurseries will tell you that nearly all kids cry when first dropped off and for a while after you leave. Especially when they are pre verbal, around 1 as they often have separation anxiety. Good nurseries know how to deal with it and often offer the parents reassurance that it is extremely common for the babies to cry and be unsettled on the first few days. I received lots of updates when my girl did this and ultimately it was because she didn't know them. As soon as she learned (over a week or two) who they were, what the routine was and that there were plenty of hugs on offer - she was fine. Xx

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