Yes our daughter is the same and my first was the same.
I’m going through this atm too with my son, it is rough! 😢
I’m going through exactly the same thing with my girl. She used to be fine going to sleep but now it’s a battle even when she’s not overtired. As soon as she feels herself getting sleepy and wants to go to sleep she starts crying and screaming!
Thanks everyone! Makes me feel like I’m not alone- it’s so tough and draining daily!!
It’s nothing you are doing wrong my first daughter was like this and still has a little whinge at 2! It’s her way of blowing off steam I think and some children struggle with transition. My second has a dummy so doesn’t do it but I think that’s probably the only reason … x
Yes my boy has cried and been emotional before sleep since newborn. He started taking the dummy which helped when he turned 5 months. I have noticed he is starting to cry less but even used to scream a lot.