Warm bath & bottle . Try 3 of the teething tablets with some infant ibuprofen/motrin & also try the teething swabs . Those work like a charm for my son. & whatever he likes chewing on at the moment just clean it & let him rock out
Play him out until he gets super tired
@Amani I tried 😭 little man would only take one nap yesterday and didn’t go down until 8:30 and still was up every hour at least. Plus he is not a baby to sit still 😅
@Kelsey does the Motrin hurt his liver to much? His pediatrician said to only give it if a fever was present but he’s in so much pain I feel like I should cave.. pediatricians can be so controversial sometimes..
@Kelsey thank you so much! He’s 9 months old so I’ll try a dose of Tylenol.
At night I would give him Motrin to help him with the pain. Pain tends to bother babies more at night, so Camilla drops may not be cutting it. Especially since 3 are cutting all at once. During the day my baby loves to suck on those homemade popsicle things. I freeze my breast milk in it. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjtvbPFi9qLAxX1LNQBHWU8O8YYABAlGgJvYQ&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq-u9BhCjARIsANLj-s1wsPP02_EBMKrJc02qflYBn6TTiaWNN3aKwS-LuZ672j9VnptgIfQaAmA4EALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAES5gHg9uVHB2DXOfhWeVINi1ze2ywzHJYsKy5uf0CWkXTSBZ5djfcQ4RtaN8j0uq-7CKijnryhTQRgxIJWG72WvPGzp4lgn6z4S1ApeWjOWfRgvtPW0jHxjwjoVJZPGVu9-MZTmOLKRBjoD4pd9GLsfhIpF2W3ru0hVHeNWW_GJMN_K0l4N3GBR1tw_SrcCx_EQq-LTAoWO6KFacI8z6qJYSwEk83tQOXm68IY2DtSnMLdDFehkRnaM67QHzpXbrpuOs_Ngdm3BYXXTfuBKaZzoQrAqEGvZvvB4kOX6cDwzydcpYi8MEYP-g&sig=AOD64_3tsm4C2_xyCul5KfwhDNnS4Giz8Q&ctype=70&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjV3a3Fi9qLAxVdLtAFHY4TMHkQwg8oAHoECAQQDQ&adurl=