Teething & loss of sleep

Hey mommas! FTM here and I’m struggling on what else I can do to help my sons teething.. he is waking up every hour or two through out the night due to pain or stuffy nose. He’s also refusing to take naps during the day and is of course extremely clingy. I do the dr.talbots tablets and also the Camilla drops. I also have a oragel I’ll use. Nothing is working 😭 looks like he’s got his other 3 front teeth irrupting.. anything helps. ~sincerely a tired momma 🫠
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At night I would give him Motrin to help him with the pain. Pain tends to bother babies more at night, so Camilla drops may not be cutting it. Especially since 3 are cutting all at once. During the day my baby loves to suck on those homemade popsicle things. I freeze my breast milk in it. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjtvbPFi9qLAxX1LNQBHWU8O8YYABAlGgJvYQ&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq-u9BhCjARIsANLj-s1wsPP02_EBMKrJc02qflYBn6TTiaWNN3aKwS-LuZ672j9VnptgIfQaAmA4EALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAES5gHg9uVHB2DXOfhWeVINi1ze2ywzHJYsKy5uf0CWkXTSBZ5djfcQ4RtaN8j0uq-7CKijnryhTQRgxIJWG72WvPGzp4lgn6z4S1ApeWjOWfRgvtPW0jHxjwjoVJZPGVu9-MZTmOLKRBjoD4pd9GLsfhIpF2W3ru0hVHeNWW_GJMN_K0l4N3GBR1tw_SrcCx_EQq-LTAoWO6KFacI8z6qJYSwEk83tQOXm68IY2DtSnMLdDFehkRnaM67QHzpXbrpuOs_Ngdm3BYXXTfuBKaZzoQrAqEGvZvvB4kOX6cDwzydcpYi8MEYP-g&sig=AOD64_3tsm4C2_xyCul5KfwhDNnS4Giz8Q&ctype=70&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjV3a3Fi9qLAxVdLtAFHY4TMHkQwg8oAHoECAQQDQ&adurl=

Warm bath & bottle . Try 3 of the teething tablets with some infant ibuprofen/motrin & also try the teething swabs . Those work like a charm for my son. & whatever he likes chewing on at the moment just clean it & let him rock out

Play him out until he gets super tired

@Amani I tried 😭 little man would only take one nap yesterday and didn’t go down until 8:30 and still was up every hour at least. Plus he is not a baby to sit still 😅

@Kelsey does the Motrin hurt his liver to much? His pediatrician said to only give it if a fever was present but he’s in so much pain I feel like I should cave.. pediatricians can be so controversial sometimes..

@Kelsey thank you so much! He’s 9 months old so I’ll try a dose of Tylenol.

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