Early labour?!

Does this look like it could be the start of labour? Been having contractions for about the last hour, some of them pretty painful
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I’m not sure anyone will be awake to answer and I’m a first time mumma so I’ve no idea xx but good luck mumma xx Ring triage if you’re concerned and see what they say x

Please call your hospital triage as they would be able to advice you. I am first time mother so I can’t be of any help, sorry.

Kind of yes, depends on intensity too? There’s a 5-1-1 rule to help. 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long, and for at least one hour. Hope this helps x

Thanks ladies! After 6 hours of contractions through the night thinking baby was going to be making their entrance soon, everything seems to have died off!

Awe I’ve heard that can happen. Give them a call anyway just incase they want to check you over then make sure you get some rest x

Yeah spoken to triage again this morning and they've said it's normal, they haven't asked to see me but definitely will be keeping an eye making sure I feel okay with everything. Managed to get a couple hours sleep when things cooled off a bit, my poor hubby hasn't had a wink though so hopefully baby holds off for a little while!

Oo looks like getting close! What app are you using?

Classic 🥲 Definitely try and nap today as much as possible! Let me tell you a long labour on no sleep is killer

@Sophie that's the baby centre app, in the tools section they have a contraction timer!

The same happened to me with my first. I had a sweep then started with contractions that night for a few hours. They then stopped and restarted again around 24 hours later and it was the real deal! Good luck x

Little lady made her debut into the world at 2:01am this morning after a long and tiring labour ending in forceps delivery

Congratulations 🥳 very similar to my experience! Enjoy your newborn bubble x

Congratulations 🥳 xx

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