No I tried everything
I didn’t have a planned c-section but I did try my breastpump on on my due date for 5 mins and on the day after my due date for 10ish mins and my water broke almost 45 mins later (side note: I was trying everything to induce labor and turns out my breastpump was the trick 😅)
@Maddie Ooooh I just got 4 syringes full of colestroum so I’m hoping it brings on labour 🤣 I want to try and avoid the c-section
I started at 37 weeks due to gestational diabetes but it didn’t bring on labour I had a failed induction at 38+5
I did it for around 10/15 mins also but just hand expressing
@Lauren oh noooo. Have you had baby now?
Yea I had an emergency c section which wasn’t technically an emergency c section I just ask for it after 3 days of contractions and not even a centimetre of dilation but because it wasn’t planned it was classed as emergency.
I even used a pump to express the colostrum which worked so well I ended up with 70ml of colostrum to take into hospital x
Before your c-sections?!