I’m so sorry for your loss. I too miscarried at 12 weeks. Similarly to Jen I had to have an emergency d&c due to uncontrollable bleeding. The d&c itself was very straight forward. The doctors and nurses were lovely and drifting to sleep actually wasn’t scary (even though I felt petrified initially). Personally I wanted it over with as soon as possible so in hindsight I’m glad I had to go with that route. But of course everyone may feel differently. Thoughts are with you.
Sorry for your loss. I had a MMC at 10 weeks, I chose the medical management but in hindsight I would have gone for d&c. Passing it at home was not great and it was more painful than I expected, the tissue took longer to pass and I ended up needing antibiotics. I think the d&c can be daunting but also is over quicker x
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve done both. The medicine can cause miscarriage within 24 hours so it’s a waiting game as to when it will happen. My first lot didn’t work so I had to go back for more. I had a gush about 12 hours later and then passed the tissue 4 hours post that. Honestly it was very traumatic and painful in terms of period cramps, and I bled for easily a week afterwards. I’ve had 2 d&cs, whilst very scary going into it, it is honestly the much better experience. I didn’t have any pain on the day of the surgery and only a little bleeding. About 2 days later when my body realised what had happened, I had some cramping and light bleeding. Both scenarios are crap physically, traumatic and highly emotional, but for me the d&c was better in all three aspects. Best wishes when it comes to it x
I have only had a d&c but miscarried at home with my first and found it a very traumatic experience and ended up in hospital with significant blood loss. The most uncomfortable part was noticing the "tissue" passing. There are pros and cons for both, but personally I find the d&c to be much less emotionally traumatic than other options