I know it’s so difficult and not much help, I had so many people tell me ‘oh don’t worry it doesn’t hurt at all’ but I’m the same as you, petrified and my anxiety was still through the roof🤣 and if I had to do it again I would still be scared, but honestly the experience was so great, she was on my chest within 10 minutes and whilst they stitch you up you’re so distracted by your baby that it just flies by! Sorry that was so long! But good luck, hope everything goes well!🤍
@Jaimee-Ann thank you so much for replying - no that’s really helped. Especially when someone is as nervous or scared as you are - makes me feel better (selfishly) haha. I just think it’s mad - like I’m opting for it but I’m saying to my husband “am I mental actually choosing all this” Eurgh don’t like that partner can’t be in during spinal but as long as someone holds my hand haha! Well that sounds so positive saying still scary but it was positive. That’s all that matters - the bonding and cuddling time once they’re out!! So excited for that! Thank you so much for replying ❤️❤️❤️
I had an emergency c-section at york Hospital back in October, and even though it wasn't what I'd wanted, the experience was great. I'm terrified of needles but they let me have gas and air while they put in the cannula and while they did the epidural (I had an epidural rather than a spinal) and I barely noticed either. I think the epidural was left in my back so that they could top it up, but you can't feel it at all once it's in (same with the cannula). My tips would be to ask for gas and air to be available if you're nervous about feeling the cannula/spinal, I probably would have been fine without it, but having it made me feel better. If you need stronger pain relief post operation, make sure they have it on prescription for the night shift. I needed pain relief afterwards, however, it got missed off prescription by the day staff. So when night time came and I needed another dose, they couldn't give me anything other than paracetamol as there was no one in who could prescribe anything stronger!
Also, when/if I go in for another c-section in the future, I'll bring in some medical tape. Post-op the tape on my cannula kept coming loose and it was really annoying when it kept catching. It's such a minor thing but it would have been so much easier just to stick it back down myself rather than buzzing for a midwife to come fix it many times! Happy for you to drop me a message if you have any other questions!
@Jessica ahh sorry it was an emergency one but glad it all went well! Ooo I didn’t know they offer gas and air for the cannula and spinal/epidural - I’ll deffo be taking them up on that offer if it’s there hahah. Ahhh yeah I’ve stocked up on paracetamols and ibuprofens at home so will deffo take anything else they say haha. How’s your recovery been? Good idea on the tape actually! Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
I had a booked c section last year in York and it was the best experience. The put the cannula in and it actually doesn’t really hurt that much, you would be surprised how little it really does. My partner didn’t leave my side throughout the whole thing, even during the spinal. The spinal didn’t massively hurt, they used a numbing spray on your back first which was very cold and you then lean over and hold a cushion, but it was in and out so quickly and nothing left in your back. That’s epidurals with things left in, spinal is just one injection. Bring lucozade sports with you. It helps bring sugar levels back and hydrates you afterwards. Sometimes you can be waiting all morning for your c section and that’s a long time without food. Also massive Bridget jones pants that will go over your c section scar. And I also used a step to help get in and out of the bath when I got home. You will be absolutely fine, it’s the not knowing and the counting down is the worst.
Thank you so much Natalie ♥️ you’ve hit the nail on the head - it 100% is the not knowing and the fact 3 ladies have replied and been positive that really helps - it’s just have to grin and bear it and get on with it now and I’ll probably reply to you all next week saying it was absolutely fine haha. That’s boss that your partner could stay with you even during spinal - hopefully mine can too 🙏🏽 Oh God yeah, that’s another thing isn’t - being absolutely starving waiting but I’ve got gestational diabetes so gonna ask what snacks and drinks I can bring 🤣 Oh I like the idea about the step out the bath - might rob that idea to be fair. Thanks for replying ♥️
I had my elective 8 days ago now and it was the most amazing experience. All of the staff in theatre are amazing, I’ll remember them forever🤣my partner was allowed in the room while I had spinal but to the side, but I had a midwife/nurse holding my hands and talking to me the whole time. The cannula is probably the worst part of the whole thing but even that isn’t too bad, just like a blood test! Can’t fault them at all and I have a lot of anxiety around things like this but they make you feel at ease x
@Joanna yeah! You will be more than fine. They might pick you as one of the first ones to have it done then which is exciting. There was a woman with diabetes in my ward and she went first. The amazing bit is when they lift your baby up and show you, I cried load. It’s amazing to see what they look like after all this time wondering.
@Sophie I’m getting more excited now the more I read these messages. I’m excited to meet baby but you know when the anxiety of the surgery is too much to see past that. But you’ve all said wonderful and helpful things so I think it’s on me now to settle my mind and look forward to the bigger picture - meeting my daughter 🥰. Does the numbness come on pretty instantly? Ahhh I can deal with blood tests if they count me in and I look away haha. Thanks for replying and glad it went well for you! ❤️
@Natalie I mean if we have to pick positives out from having GD haha I guess being one of the first would definitely be decent. Have more time together with partner too so I can learn how to change nappies and feed! Yessssss I’m so looking forward to them holding baby up like Simba!
Haha it is like that in a way. You will be great and it will all come naturally to you. The best of luck 🥰
Hi nearly 16 months postpartum now following a planned csection. My partner was allowed in with me whilst I had the spinal, i think it depends on the anaesthetist it was my biggest worry as well and I honestly can't remember it, it really didn't hurt at all. I would say the canula did hurt but it's only very quick pain. The whole experience was brilliant, we had a fab anaesthetist he chatted to me and my partner about random stuff, put us at complete ease. Talked through the whole procedure then baby was here and stitched up. I was extremely itchy afterwards because of the strong meds and spinal but completely normal and just asked for a antihistamine and it helped. Key thing is get up moving as soon as your able to it will help massively! Feel free to message if you have any other questions. Good luck!
Hey! I’m 2 weeks post c-section and I have the biggest anxiety around needles and operations, I’m literally petrified of them🫠 I cried all day every day for at least a week before my section, I was in bits but honestly the whole thing went so quickly! I was in the recovery room with my baby before I knew it! You have a proper anaesthetist doing the cannula and spinal, they are so quick with it, the cannula was in within seconds and was the same feeling as a blood test! My partner wasn’t allowed in for the spinal, I found it really hard and was in a proper state crying my eyes out.. but a midwife was stood holding my hand the whole time speaking to me about other things, it just felt like a bit of pressure in your back and then your whole lower body is numb within seconds so you don’t feel anything more! All I felt during the section was pressure down there and some tugging, no pain at all (and honestly I’m a real baby with pain)🤣