Labour experiences

I am due this week and just wondered what people experienced as an early sign of labour? I have tightening of my tummy what I can only describe as severe period pains / the urge to go to the toilet that comes and goes (probably every half hour or so) as of yesterday and increased discharge. Really thinking this must be the start of it but keen to hear others experiences please 🙏🏻
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Sounds like what I experienced especially the urge to use the loo! I think you’re close!! Good luck🫶🏻 (rest as much as you can until it all kicks off is all I can say!!) x

This was the start for me. Wishing you a smooth delivery!

I didn’t even know that I was in labour. I had some mild cramping, but I suffer with endometriosis so I kind of brushed it off as nothing and had a bath. Went to hospital the next day as I had a little bit of bleeding and baby was delivered by a C-section 20 minutes later. 🤣

This is also what I experienced and then my mucus plug went, rest as much as you can all will be worth it🫶🏻

I am pretty certain I’ve just seen my mucus plug…! Wondering how long it’ll be now! Have had my first proper mat leave day nap today and feeling better for it!

Mine first shown the morning before I had my little boy and then continued to loose more throughout the day last show was at 2am in the morning and had him 3 the following day

My second labour started with achey period pains. Completely different to the contractions I felt with my first x

I felt like I didn’t really have any signs. I did have mild cramping but I feel like I had that for a few weeks before labour? My waters just went in a pop when I stood up after having my dinner and that was my only proper sign 🤣 x

For me, my water broke at 3:15am but I didn’t know that’s what it was. It felt like discharge I wasn’t going to think too much of it but it was middle of the night I didn’t know if it was blood or just discharge so I went to look, went pee, then went back to bed LOL 4:15am came along and then it really felt my water broke broke like uncontrollable fluid flowing! Good luck you got this mama!!!

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