I had one done ar 31 weeks due to contractions and I was already 1 cm dilated. I had another done at 34 weeks and am now 2 cm and 50% effaced. I have a history of preterm labor and have been showing signs of that again, so that's why we have checked. It's up to you if you want one done. If you aren't showing signs of labor or anything, you don't necessarily need one.
With my first I had them check each time after 36 weeks because I couldn’t wait and I just wanted to know. But every time I was only like 1 cm pretty much up until the day I gave birth lol. My 36 week appt is tomorrow and if they ask, I’m going to have them check because the suspense is killing me and I’m ready to have this baby 😂
@Vicky hiya you meantioned ‘they do all this to protect themselves’ can you explain more since I have my sweep on Friday and in two minds.. how can things go pear shaped? Just would like more context since I’m not hundred percent to have a sweep x
@Flower because we live in a world now where everyone likes to sue each other for everything they do alot of things so it's on record that it was done when technically there's not really a good enough reason for it to be done. Baby will come when they are ready and as long as everything is fine with both you and baby and vitals are good they should leave you alone. Always trust your instinct 💯
@Flower I had a cover midwife the other week and I was not happy with her assessment at all she was trying to tell me Baby had grown too much which I knew wasn't true. She made me go for a glucose test which as I knew it would, came back low risk. She had also booked me to see a consultant because of the 'extra' growth - i got in touch with my regular midwife and explained I weren't happy and she reassessed me, everything the cover had done was wrong, so consultant has been cancelled but because this cover has now plotted her incorrect reading on baby's growth chart depending where I get plotted this week it may mean I have to have a scan as the pattern of growth will be all wrong. My midwife isn't happy either as it just takes away appointments for others that really do need them when my pregnancy has been smooth and low risknthe entire time.
@Flower Press them ask questions and push on is it detrimental does NEED to be done. Do not take any fluffy answers. This is your birth experience, they play on vulnerability of first time mothers it pisses me off, and unless either of your lives are in danger they need to let nature take its course.
@Vicky you are hundred percent right about everything you just said.. I pretty much put the jigsaw together based on anything I mention to my midwife she would send me to hospital for scans.. I’ve been for so many scans and check ups!!! I don’t think I’m going to have a sweep actually you’re right let it happen naturally besides the expected due date isn’t always right and they go by that date most the time.. thanks for your input x
@Flower anytime. I'm lucky majority of my friends had babies before me and they have been very open and frank with me about everything and warned me of these sorts of things. As long as you both healthy they need to leave you alone and let things be natural which reduces complications greater than intervention does. Dont force the body and your baby to do something it not ready to do it creates more risk. Stick to your gut and instinct!! And be the same during birth, make sure your partner knows to a T what you want andbthey enforce it too, otherwise they will just have you do the same as everyone else. If you want something specific you have it unless it's 100% not possible for whatever reason ❤️❤️ good luck!!!
@Autumn girlll I feel you! These next 4 weeks can’t go fast enough 😂
I did to see how dilated I was. I’m 1cm at 36 weeks but that could be because I have had 2 children before. When I got an exam with my first, I was 38 weeks and dilated 1cm because I had a nagging pain that wouldn’t go away I called in and they told me to come in. He checked again and just told me to get my go back and go to the hospital. This was in the space of a few hours. Of course the exam is optional. I’ve never had a sweep before but at 36 weeks seems unesassary without a medical reason. I’m not sure because I’ve never had to go through that.
You do not have to have this done. I'll be 36 weeks this week and my midwife isn't doing this. Same with things like sweeps you can refuse. If your pregnancy is stable and everything moving along as it should be then I would refuse an exam unless there's a really important medical reason given and explained. Remember they do all this to protect themselves 'if' anything goes pear shaped. All examination are optional they just dont say it. It's your body and decision, if you say no they have to respect that they can't force you.