I was induced at 37 weeks as baby was measuring below the second centile. I had scans every 2 weeks from week 28 due to him being small. There were never any issues with my placenta or the blood flow he was just little. He was 4lb 11 when born. He has continued to grow along the 1st centile. He is now 19 weeks old and weighs 11lb 12. He is perfectly healthy, just little.
Baby girl born at 37+5 at 5lb 3, dropped to 4lb 8 then gained back up to 5lb 6 within a week. She's now 2, perfectly healthy and very long 🤣
My baby was just over 2kg when born at 37 weeks. I was given constant scans through pregnancy due to her size. At birth, she was tiny (0.4th percentile) and even tiny baby clothes were loose on her BUT she has grown a lot since then (5 months now and in 3-6 months clothes) health visitor can’t believe she’s the same baby ❤️ don’t stress too much!! I wish i had enjoyed my newborn bc I was constantly thinking about at her size and weight. Kids are resilient and your baby will grow at his own rate! Lots of love xx
Yeah! At 37 weeks she was only measuring 5lbs 2oz based on a scan, approximately 2.5 percentile, I had her at 37+3 via an elective C-section and she was actually born weighing 5lbs 12oz, still small but also bigger than expected x
My baby was small. I was told she'd be large due to my diabetes but she was tiny and on the 5th percentile. She's still small now in size at 9 months and in 3-6month clothes. But gaining weight as she should be. I wouldn't worry too much. If it's estimated it's just an estimate. They are often wrong.
My baby's size was aconcern the whole way through. We had constant growth scans. Our final one we had at 38 weeks, she had tailing growth, meaning she had slowed her growth down, i was sent to triage and there was a lot of flapping. She was born at 39weeks +4 days at 6lbs 14oz. She was/is perfectly healthy