They allowed my partner to stay in 8-8 and then he had to go home unless you are in active labour then they can stay. After you’ve had the baby, he was allowed to stay until around 9pm but then had to go, he wasn’t allowed to stay in with me. Hope that helps x
@Mia I had my daughter there in August, and this is exactly what it is ☺️
No they don’t, Coventry do tho x
Just checked my partner is allowed to stay once on delivery unit
Yeah it’s the postnatal wards they can’t c
I don’t believe so, we will be having our baby there! I’m sure it is birth partners are allowed 24/7 in the delivery suite but once you do up to the ward, partners are 8-8 and only 2 other visitors between 2 and 4pm. Don’t hold me to it but I’m sure this is the case x