I had 6 weeks of them and I agree it’s daunting I’m counting down the days until they over I’m half way lol
I’ve got 6 weeks of them however I’m very lucky my partner does them for me. My stomach is still numb slightly above the incision so I get my partner to do them along that part of my belly so I can’t feel it! Not sure if you still have a numb area or not but if so maybe try that? X
Are you pinching a chunk of your skin when you put it in? And alternating side of your tummy?
I’ve been told I can use my thigh, and I’ve also been using ice to numb it and it doesn’t hurt as much xx
They sting lol but trust me it will be over before you know it
I had to do 6 weeks of them last time and it was AWFUL. Pinch a big chunk, alternate up and down, left and right, aim for any numb areas whilst you still have them. Towards the end just have a cry as your doing it 👍🏻 I soon forgot all about it if that helps!
They are awful, I had to do them for 10 days and dreaded it every evening, just finished them and my legs are covered in lumps and bruises 😢
I have had to do them too, I have 16 days left of them and can’t wait for it to be over. I find it hurts when I take the needle out my belly is so fully of bruises 😭 I just keep thinking they are worth it knowing my little girl arrived safely 🩷 xx
Put an ice pack on your stomach where you’re going to inject for a few mins before, game changer!
I didn’t have a c section but have to take them for at least the next four weeks. I’ve heard icing it before hand can help. I pinch a decent part and hold it for 20 secs nice and tight, inject it, make sure the air bubble is the last to go in, wait 5-10 secs before taking it out and then I apply a bit of pressure afterwards for a min or two. Make sure you’re alternating sides every day. You’re doing such an amazing job mama ❤️ stay strong
Hey! I’m guessing that they may have prescribed you the default injections they run with now…very painful however ask your doctor for the ‘Clexane’ brand - these injections are a lot smoother to put in! Once you have those really work at poking around until you find a spot that’s less tender, go in diagonally! Good luck x
P.s mine tend to hurt a little less after a shower! X
I hate these injections and needles and was a big reason for wanting to avoid a section this time around but didn’t go that way. Thankfully I only have 10 days of them. 6 weeks is crazy. My husband does mine and they go in my thigh.
I had them for 10 days which my partner did for me . I found my lower stomach to still be numb. So I was injected there x
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Ugh yeah I have them for six weeks and they are horrible! My stomach is so bruised!
You can do them in your thighs and bum too. It hurt so much in my stomach so don't do them there anymore and it's so much better.
Ah I had to do it for ten days and same, I felt like it hurt way worse when I did it to when the nurse did!! It doesnt last though, stay strong! Xx
I have a needle phobia myself so my partner did them for me. I dreaded them and was almost in tears before every single one. They will be over before you know it xx
I found them so painful! I was injecting my thigh as I found it easier, found rubbing and warming the thigh up before doing it really helped and I didn’t feel the pain as much … I think some people prefer to use ice packs but the heat worked better for me xx
I found the closer to the belly button u have them the less they hurt if your struggling you can get the nurse to come do them but it means waiting around all day not knowing what time they will come xx