Yes I am. I've had 2 diabetes tests and passed both. Baby is just measuring big, I think 95th centile too, can't remember. I've been booked for induction at 39 weeks exactly. My amniotic fluid is fine though. I was encouraged to try natural through induction rather than c section
I was told my baby was in the 98th percentile and I was diagnosed with GD. But a couple of weeks later I’ve just had a scan and baby’s growth has slowed down and she’s not as big now. The main concerns are the baby getting stuck due to size which is why they don’t like you to go over 39 weeks but so far my baby is still completely healthy! Try not to worry x
@Leah do you mind me asking what your plan is for birth now the growth has slowed down? I have my third growth scan on Tuesday and at my previous one baby was estimated 99th centile and 7lb 6oz a few weeks ago but I'm hoping it was off or she'll have slowed down a bit 😅 x
I was very set on a c section until yesterday 🤣 and now I think I’m going to go for an induction. I think I was scared of the process and pain of an induction and natural labour but it’s all part of the process and like my doctor said, if there is no need for such a big operation then why have one, so I think I’m going to try atleast and then if needs be obviously might end in an emergency c section. But I guess it all depends on how big the Baby is and the likely hood of the baby getting stuck. My baby was only measuring 6.5 pounds at 36 weeks so not huge! So I’m going to try natural first. But best outcome is that I just go into labour naturally before needing an induction x
@Leah honestly don't be scared, I was induced with our son due to high blood pressure, had a really good experience and he was 7lb 14oz. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻 Will you be induced early if that's the route you choose? My consultant offered to book me a C-section at the last appointment but I declined as I want to see the results of this next scan first and also would prefer induction again x
I’ve got increased fluid. Found out at 36 weeks, sent me for bloods which came back absolutely fine. Got a scan on Tuesday at 38 weeks to check the fluid. Baby was estimating about 5lb 8oz and got induction booked at 39 weeks. I was so scared at first but if they were that concerned they get baby out sooner, try not to worry love. I know easier said then done x
Me, mine is above 95th centile, diabetes test was negative, have one more growth scan at 38/40
@Ayesha my hospital are only suggesting induction from 39 weeks but part of me does think why not earlier if they think baby is so big. I should have asked but just couldn’t think whilst there. Interesting to hear that your sister’s baby didn’t end up being big though!
@Emma yeah my hospital are more encouraging induction at the moment too but I have another scan in 2 weeks to review
@Leah I have another scan in 2 weeks so it’s just a waiting game until then I suppose! Glad your baby’s growth has seemed to slowed down though. Trying not to worry but when they tell you all the risks its so hard not to x
@Lauren yeah you’re right, got to just trust them. I wish I had asked more questions but I was just a bit taken back by all the risks she was telling me x
Not me personally but it happened to my sister in law. She was induced at 38 weeks but the baby was 7lbs 7oz so not big at all. The measurements and scans are not always correct so I wouldn’t worry too much about it’s