I had my elective c section 3 weeks ago and yeah stay on top of painkillers and move little and often even if it’s just to walk around in your living room. I’m pretty much back to feeling myself, still taking it easy with the lifting until I’ve seen the dr x
Same as above with keeping on top of painkillers and moving around a little but try to keep in mind that the pain is only temporary. I had an emergency section and the first few days were rough but by day 3 or 4 the pain was very manageable with just Paracetamol and Ibuprofen
6 days from my op and honestly, I feel great. Bit sore at the site but nothing terrible, was up and about a few hours after surgery and kept on top of painkillers at first but I was able to drop to just paracetamol and ibuprofen by around day 3. Take all the laxatives and stool softeners they will give you, have Peppermint tea, chew mint gum to keep digestive system moving. You will be great! I used the Frida disposable pants which have been AMAZING to have over incision even now bandages have been removed, using lansinoh maternity pads with them.
The worst part for me personally was the gas pain so htighly recommend peppermint tea or I'm sure you can get a syrup which is mixed with water! Press that buzzer as much as you need to when you're in hospital and don't overdo it too soon! And definitely keep up with painkillers and the stool softeners! X
Eat as late as you can before you have to fast. I stopped eating a lot earlier to get some sleep and I was so hungry I was feeling faint by time I went into theatre. When you come out of theatre don't eat loads straight away and try to eat plain food, the meds made me sick and I made the mistake of eating too much too quickly. In terms of recovery, once catheter is out and you are able to be mobile try and move around, I was told little movements but often. Keep on top of your pain meds and when you are in hospital don't be afraid to ask them for your painkillers- they tend to give every 6 hours but even then they kept forgetting to give mine and I wish I'd been better at asking them. Ask them to give you lactulose before you leave hospital because the pp constipation isnt pleasant and it does help. I'm 2 weeks pp from my elective C-section and it was a really positive experience- far better than my first birth which was a traumatic vaginal delivery, the recovery has also been far easier than expected.
Keep on top of pain relief even if you think you no longer need it. If you feel you need more than what you’re getting, top it up with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Listen to your body. I was told to walk around the next day but I ended up pushing myself too hard and making myself worse being dizzy and sick. Also don’t push yourself once you feel ready. Your body is still healing, and you will get worn out quickly. Your brain may tell you need to be doing all these things but don’t, you also need rest. Do little and often rather than too much. Take your time Drink warm peppermint tea. This will help with gas and pooping.
I’ve just had my second c section 2 weeks ago, stay on top of your painkillers, and make sure you rest as much as you can! Moving frequently is ideal as it really helps and both times after day 3 I was in a lot less pain! Good luck 💗 xx