Gestational Diabetes

Has anyone else been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and been put on medication? Ive been given metformin to start with as diet isn’t working and if sugars don’t behave i have to go onto insulin. Has anyone experienced the same? Not sure what it means for baby and if he’ll have to come early due to this? Trying to get my head around everything. X
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Hey lovely sorry to hear you’re going through this, there is a gestational diabetes group on here I’d recommend joining that. I’ve got it too but diet controlled as I declined the medication. They have said twice they want to induce me at 39 weeks but so far my sugar levels are fine and baby’s growth is fine so I am declining induction as long as that is still the case when I get to 39 weeks. The midwives cauldron podcast has two helpful episodes on gestational diabetes you can listen on Spotify, and dr Sara Wickham has an article on her website about GD and induction. I also found it helpful to read the NICE guidelines your midwife can send you those.

Hey I was diagnosed from 5wks with gestational diabetes - the metformin didn’t agree with me & iv been managing with insulin since, recently increased to 4x daily at 33wks. Are you tracking with a diabetic sensor? The placenta plays a big part with the spikes & sometimes no matter what I eat I get a high. Iv just been avoiding sweets, cake etc & watching the carb intake. They are managing blood sugars to help keep bubbas weight down, without managing you could have a bigger bubba. They also don’t allow you to go over 38wks. X

I’m on a mixture of insulin (4 x day) and metaformin tablets. Mine couldn’t be controlled with diet. Basically if I ate a piece of chicken it would go through the roof. It’s taken a while to get medication right - a bit trail and error, but seems to be working now

Thank you for the replies.. im just tracking blood sugars 4 x a day with the monitor machine and if my fasting sugars don’t come down by Sunday i have to start insulin x

I was on 500mg metformin 4 times a day and insulin 16 units of a night time as my fasting reading would never come down. I was induced 38 weeks. I was on weekly scans from around 30 weeks until she was born. Sugars being managed are most important closer to babies birth as babies sugars can be impacted when born which is why they rather induce early. If you end up on insulin then when in labour you’ll be put on an insulin drip and won’t be allowed to eat so if this is the case eat beforehand. If you do not end up being put on insulin ensure to take food with you to keep your sugars up as they could decide to put you on insulin for labour if your sugars don’t play ball. If you do have to be on insulin they will keep you and baby for 24 hours minimum to monitor babies bloods so pack enough clothes for this. If not on insulin I think it’s 12 hours to monitor. Does sound scary but I promise all will be ok. Try not to worry and hope all goes well for you x

Thank you xx

It is still your choice just so you know. I was recommended to take overnight insulin but I said no thank you and I am still doing diet controlled and literally nothing has changed. Scan 4 weeks after I said no to the insulin and baby size looks good, blood sugars are still fine throughout the day and sometimes higher in the morning. Everything is your choice!

I agree it is your choice but just please make sure you have all the information first. Scans are not always accurate regarding weight expectations, they kept telling me my daughter will be huge and was measuring weeks ahead. She was a tiny 6lb 12 when born a weight I had been told she had surpassed weeks prior. Doctors don’t like to induce or use medication unless they feel it is absolutely necessary. My friend declined induction repeatedly with GD, eventually she gave in thankfully. She was scanned weekly told all appears fine but the GD had caused issues with the placenta and she nearly lost baby - which wasn’t picked up until labour. As I said later in pregnancy sugars are most important. That was her experience and hopefully and most likely won’t be anyone else’s but as long as you insure you have all information from doctors to make safe informed decisions x

Also in case this helps you I have found it keeps my blood sugars down if I eat smaller main meals and just have some healthy snacks after testing and before the next meal. So for example breakfast granola yoghurt, strawberry & almond butter. Lunch chicken salad with hummus, snack on some dark chocolate with dates, dinner with protein and lots of veggies avoid bread/pasta, keep the portion smaller. Then right before bed if I eat a bowl of shreddies, my fasting blood the next morning is like 4.4!

Hi there, This is my second pregnancy with gestational diabetes. First time I was diet controlled throughout, but this time round I struggled with my fasting readings so am currently on Metformin. I was really disappointed at first, but the medication has honestly worked wonders. Fasting readings are now between 4.6-4.8 every morning, and I no longer have the fear to test when I wake up. Medication does not automatically mean the baby has to come early either. My consultant is happy to let me go 40+6 before induction as my readings are now all in range and baby's measurements are fine. Obviously this may differ depending on your consultant. Completely agree with the comment above about ensuring you have all the information before making a decision. Just know that fasting levels are the hardest to control, I have done all the same things as I did in my first pregnancy but it's those pesky hormones that you can't help! You're doing a great job, and honestly it's all worth it when your baby is here.

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