Just call and ask I’m sure they will change it for you. I had a planned C-section for my second daughter due to medical reasons. And I went into labor then got the C-section. Other then some extra pain it was fine
Not had a similar experience but planning on an elective section for my second baby. If I were you I’d contact them and ask if it could be sooner as you do not want to go into labour. However I’ve heard stories of people with planned sections going into labour and they’ve been taken in just fine and had the section as normal so I’d try not to worry if they can’t bring the date any sooner. As for the comment above I would take absolutely no notice, pure scaremongering. X
My section isn't technically late as booked at 39 weeks but consultant isn't happy and trying to bring it forward a week. I'd definitely call. I chose elective as my first ended up being a emergency and it was scary. But turns out I made the right decision as we have a couple complications where they said it would have a high risk of becoming a emergency anyway because of said complications. No one at the hospital judged me when I asked for the section and that was before anything was brought to light xx
@Steph🌀 this is all nonsense. OP, please ignore her comments. I’ve had two sections and one was an emergency (baby was breech) and one I elected. I got to have skin to skin straight away, and both babies are perfectly healthy. 40+6 is quite late, I’d phone up and see if they have any space at the 39 week mark. If you do go into labour early, just go to your maternity unit ASAP and they will still do the section for you. My waters broke with my first (which is why it was an emergency) and I went straight to the hospital.
@Steph🌀 really?! Where on earth have you seen this research. I had a csection, held my son straight away, nothing wrong with his latching, he did that straight away too, milk supply came in straight away and I had no issues post partum Dont mean to fear monger but your saying things that is completely untrue. The op has said she suffers with mental health so your comment wasn't needed/helpful in the slightest. To the origional poster, if you phone them to query the date and tell them about your worries they might change the date. Normally csections are done at 39 weeks so they might have done it by mistake. If you go in to natrual labour I was told that if I go to the hospital straight away, I will be sent down for csection as an emergency as it was already booked. Please, as hard as it is, don't worry. The hospital and your body knows what it is doing and will help you every step of the way in any way you need it.
Ignore Steph’s comments, what a load of rubbish!
I do agree that 40+6 is quite late though my first baby was 11 days late so maybe they’re thinking that if it’s your first baby it won’t arrive on their due date. My first was an emergency c section and I’m going for an elective this time round. I would’ve been booked in dead on 39 weeks but that would be my birthday and I requested after that so I’ll be 39+3. But still I would just call them and voice your concerns and opinions on their choice of being that far on and question why they chose to book you in that far on. Though saying that they had me booked in a month early so I would’ve been having a baby at 34/35 weeks until I rang up and it was a mistake on their end so maybe that’s also the case. You’ll be fine girly, it’ll be the most relaxed experience ever. Keep your chin up and ignore any negative comments💛
@Steph🌀 this is all absurd 🥱. Feel free to show us this “research”. If I didn’t laugh I’d cry at how ridiculous this comment is 😅🙈 OP, best of luck with your section 💙
@Steph🌀 both of my children were born via section. I'm perfectly fine post partum. I didn't miss out on the golden hour, both of my children latched perfectly and my milk came in the same time as others who gave birth vaginally. And neither of my babies have asthma or an autoimmune issue. Complete and utter misinformation, OP please ignore what she's said.. 🙄 I would ring and ask why it's so late. My second daughter (8 weeks old) they were pushing for natural even when i was in the labour suite they were pushing until I got an infection and my daughters heart rate was erratic so they rushed me for a section.
That does seem late, mine was elective due to baby being breech and it was scheduled for 39 weeks. I also had skin to skin in theatre, milk came in as normal and my daughter latched without issue. Coming up to a year of breastfeeding. Hope you manage to get your date changed and your delivery goes well 😊
@Steph🌀 please don't say all of this. I had an elective c section and it was great. I wasn't exhausted after giving birth, surgery was very calm and I got to bond with my baby straight away. Keep your opinion to yourself. OP, I had my c-section at 40 weeks, I got told that due to the hospital being busy I couldn't have it any earlier. You can always give them a call and ask. Good luck xxx
I had an emergency C-section and recovery was amazing Got an amazing bond with my(now) 13month old from the start.Milk came in straight away No issues. Your body your decision everyone's going to have their own view on things There's always going to be positive and negatives but everyone is different. I had to be put to sleep as I got a blood clot during pregnancy so it was for my own safety/baby was in breach and my waters broke at 36 +4 but even though it was emergency everyone was so lovely and it was as calm as it could be Good luck when it comes everything will be great And ignore the negativity nancy at the top!Xx
The first comment is seriously disappointing. Sorry to say Steph is severely incorrect based off of the many people including myself who have had a section. I don't judge anyone on their choices or journey, most women don't. I had emergency c section first time and an elective second time. Breastfed / exclusively pumped both times. I laboured until 8cm first time and it all went wrong hence the emergency section and struggled after more mentally than the second time where I had a calm and relaxed c section. My milk supply is excellent, we had skin to skin within the hour. Breastfed within the hour too BOTH times. Also in reply to your original post.. maybe question it with your midwife as that does seem late.. my elective c section was 39+2
Hey! My situation was similar- I was supposed to have a c section due to baby being too big- they didn’t give me a day, just kept pushing it and pushing it. They finally told me I would have one at 39 weeks then the day before my water broke! I was so nervous but I went to the hospital, they kept me in the bed until they were ready for me, it was a long day but it did happen no problem! Please feel free to message!! 🫶
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Don’t know where you are but am from the uk. I asked for a c section and was booked in at I think just over 39 weeks. I booked in for a c section for mental health reasons at first then I had strep b and suspected diabetes and slightly high risk. I see there’s some sort of argument going on above I haven’t even read lol. Anyway! I ended up with my water breaking at 37.6 weeks. He had pooed in side me but I also told them I was booked in for a c section and I want one still. They told me I would have to wait a few hour before I had a c section could have been 2 hour to 8 hours due to anyone else needing an emergency c section. However mine was an emergency as he pooed inside me and no one else needed one sooner or they would have left me longer. But with in an hour I was having a c section. You may be having yours late because they may be booked already with c section but I would personally go back and speak to them.
With labour you have pain before baby and recover quicker with a c section you have the pain after with a baby to look after and recovery is longer but for mental health I get it. x
Thanks everyone (well almost everyone 😂) for your kind and reassuring messages. I will definitely contact them to see if it can be moved forward. I'm in the UK and it's impossible to speak to anyone from the hospital on the phone but I am planning to call my midwife in the morning to see if she can help 💕
I can't see Steph's comment so I'm guessing she deleted it. I had a c section and didn't hold my son until I was in recovery because my hospital doesn't give that option when you have a c section, but we immediately did skin to skin once we went to the recovery room. My milk still immediately came in, the lactation consultants were actually shocked with how much I was pumping, so it doesn't affect milk supply at all. Mine was at 39 weeks 4 days because I was 39 weeks on a Saturday and didn't want him to be born that Monday because it's my cousin's birthday and they were full for that Tuesday. I would definitely call and see if you can get it earlier, but they could be booked up.
I chose to have a c-section for mental health reasons, and I ended up needing one anyway because my baby was breech. Everyone is different, but my c-section and recovery were a breeze. I never had pain. I was walking around within a few hours. Going up and downstairs when I got home 2 days later, going on walks by day 5. Everyone's recovery is different, don't let ppl scare you.
Ignore that other woman. I breastfed my girl while still in theatre. She was put on my chest within 2 minutes. I had her at 37+4 as I had pre-eclampsia and breech. I went home a day later. Had no issues with myself or my daughter.
Just to say, my midwife did contact them on my behalf and I just got a phonecall to say they've had a cancellation and they've offered me an earlier date!
@Steph🌀 It's not your body or your baby so take your judgement elsewhere.