My trust said if I wanted elective due to the complications last time, they would book it in anytime from 37 weeks 😀 Because I'm opting for VBAC, they'll let me try for natural until 40 weeks! I'm also rejecting induction as this led to the complications last time! I'm also 32+3 and gave birth early Oct 2023, so currently, a 16M age gap, I've had no discomfort so far! But if I was to I think I would opt for the elective section too because of the risk of rupture to the scar!
I had some real discomfort in my scar during the first trimester but not had any since to be honest, I’m 34+4. I know my trust don’t do electives before 39 weeks (unless this includes a medical reason for it of course) but may be different within your trust!
They don’t offer elective sections before 39 weeks unless there’s a medical reason, there’s a lot of research now on the brain development that takes place before that point. I’ve been told to expect 37-38 weeks because of my blood pressure but really hoping to push as late as possible providing there’s no sign that my blood pressure is causing an issue. Fortunately I haven’t had any discomfort from my scar but it was almost 3.5 years ago that I had my last.