Is it even safe to try before
Also peak doesn’t mean you’ve ovulated today, it means you will in the next 12-48 hours :) so baby dancing today would be ideal x
I believe if you wanna try it again it is better to wait for at least one cycle so your endometrium can rebuild back. After the miscarriage you would normally get your period in about 6 weeks so you're probably on track ovulating now (4 weeks) and in the next two weeks period will come.
@Danielle you can yeah, they just advise to wait 1 cycle because of dates as you base it on you last LMP so if you concieve straight away you would know your due date. X
It’s weird because I thought of my cycle was coming due to the fact I’ve had a bit of a strange stomach and quite crampy and headachy which is what I get before my period comes I don’t typically feel ovulation but I don’t know if this is just because I’ve miscarried and had surgery things are a bit different
@Danielle I’ve been the exact same! Been cramping for a week usually I get that before a period but I seem to have LH rising too! X
@Shannon how mad! I saw this on chat gbt xx
It depends on how far you were when you miscarried. I did miscarry and got pregnant the next month. My baby is now born, and it is a very healthy LO. You have to keep tracking your LH surge. You can have multiple LH surges per cycle. Sometimes, the body does not produce enough LH for the egg to be released, so it goes through another surge with higher levels of LH.
@Marilyn I was 9.5 weeks. Did you get a period first? X
@Danielle I did not get my period per se. I bled due to the miscarriage. That reset my whole system! The body is so mysterious. It never follows the norm. If you want to get pregnant, I will still try and see, you don't lose anything. Just take it as a trial run, otherwise stress may take the best part of you. I am in my late 30s, so I needed to keep trying right away as my clock is ticking.
@Marilyn did you conceive? I’m in the Same boat as you
@Danielle, yes, I did. My LO is now 10 weeks old 😀 and keeps me up at night, but it is all worth it.
I conceived my twins within 4 weeks of my my miscarriage it was natural not surgical and nor did I have a period, I was told you are just as fertile after you’ve lost a baby as you are once you’ve given birth! So there for your body can ovulate before you get your cycle back! Xx
We decided to go for it. Feel very symptomatic with the ovulation weirdly as i never really get much. But not sure if that’s because of all the trauma with the wait, medication and then surgery so it’s been a long 8 weeks. Fingers crossed 🥺 scared of it happening again though xx
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@Danielle completely understandable. I was the same, every bleeding I had, I did not even want to move too much. My husband had to talk to me to help me snap out of it. I also felt guilty because of the miscarriage. I was very sad that I could not meet my LO. I was wondering if it was a girl or a boy. At least for me, it took me a while to enjoy my second pregnancy. I was so scared, so I did not want to get too attached. If you want to talk or anything, you can always shoot me a message.
My ovulation is having multiple peaks since my miscarriage it’s driving me insane so I’ve given up this month and will try the next normal cycle x